18 June, 2015
Himeville to Lake St Lucia
Time to search for warmer weather so we packed & headed for the coast. On local advice went off the beaten track through Ixopo towards Umtinzini then onto N2 motorway. Lots of people walking the side of the road and a few cows and goats, otherwise totally uneventful. We constantly marvel at the housing growth, the number of houses with power and the immaculately turned out school children. A small stretch of the road nearing the N2 that carries lots of large trucks was potholed but equally there were road gangs filling them.
Our aim was to bypass Durban by going via the outer ring road, to avoid afternoon gridlock. Mission accomplished as we hit Umhlanga Rocks Gateway Mall in time for a quick shop & lunch. Thinking we had 4 hours of average roads (from memories) we hurried off. Well, tolled double highways stretched for km's and we had an unbelievable drive. Road etiquette as usual. Move over & hug shoulder to let faster vehicles past, keep eyes peeled for faster cars because they come from nowhere. Most drivers are polite & considerate.
We found a self catering unit, went mad at the fruit market & had a pleasant evening. Units are well equipped to deal with load shedding, as was the shopping/eating complex in town which promptly switched to generators. The iPhone torch lit our way back as it was pitch dark.
The main road/shopping & eating area is littered with security guards so felt quite safe walking back.
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