now then now then!!! migdets and greeks....above all minorities should be at peace. for quite obvious reasons.
Angry Greek
Ha ha silly little Trickles, I got a PERSONALISED message from Shelles Belles to thank me PERSONALLY for my excellent and hilarious PERSONAL messageboard entries. Now, we all know you're being so abusive because you are a racist and it has nothing to do with me not "having a job."
I've seen you crossing the street in Peckham and ignoring ethnic minorities in Geenwich. I can't believe someone as multi-cultural as Shelley has even let you come on to this website and hasn't blocked you and your racist fingers.
Now stick it midget and learn some love.
Oh yeah, alright Shelley?
X Greek X
dont listen to her matt, you carry on, trixy be nice, and come to oz x
well im ready to trash the messages whhoooppeeeee Matt have you not got a job you s***e freeloading ass!!!!!!!!!!always messageing shelley and knowone else c*** love you shelley you are so pretty x
Matt The Greek
Thanks. Really, I mean it. Thanks. Have a good time on your little holiday and that.......
just want to say i big thankyou to matt the greek for all the interesting and exciting messages. couldn't do this without them matt. your overwhelming attention and support is greatly appreciated. no sarcasm intended. p.s i didnt even know tredworth had a bridge...on my way home right now with my scuba gear. x
Whassup Shelles Belles. Thats it, I'm outtie.
Hey Shelly,
Just thought I'd write a quick message, the photos are amazing I'm so jealous hope your having a fantastic time bubba, live life to the full. Happy New Year. xx
Hi mate, wow talk about a depressing way to start the year off ...... seing these gorgeous photos of you looking fabulous and having the most wonderful time! Just what you want to see when your stuck back here in gloomy Gloucester fighting your way through the sales and considering different ways to fight off the xmas bulge!!!!!!!
Sorry I didnt make your leaving do, being pregnant and socialising just hasnt been me of late, but I promise when I've had this baby I'll be back on form for when you get back, well thats if your coming back, I know where I'd be staying!! Find out soon if its a pink one or another blue one hoping for pink so at least got one of each. Spencer has developed into the child from hell, although xmas was fab with him, I must of just eaten, slept and got wasted every year before I had him ...... what i'd give to be doing that now! Would love to hear from you but more than happy to keep updated purely by the photos! Take care and enjoy Love Charlotte xxx
Lisa And Wendell
Sandra I resent that comment Tredworth road bridge is far better!!
Shelley Marie Have you had surgical leg extensions?? if so how much and can you book me in. How come I looked like a proper gipsy when I was travelling and you look like a supermodel?? Take care we love and miss you
Sandra And Jon
The photos look beautiful. All that water looks really similar to Tredworth Road bridge when it floods underneath, so clear and blue, I actually went snorkelling in it last time but all I could see was crisp packets and tinnies. WISH WE WERE THERE!!! xx