Shelley, there is no message today - and I always check, like your Mum and Dad probably too. I think you should have at least a teeny, weeny, little note everyday. And perhaps about you - so - Ok - you l miss Gloucester - homesickness is part of this and it can eat you up at times, I know I have been there ,with all my heart - scream, cry, jump around, and all I wanted was to leave Germany and go home to Gloucester. Either you make it or you break it, we have a choice. Hi Kevin- Dennis and I absolutely, over the top. loved your Mum and Dad's Xmas photos. Wish we were there ,it looked a great party. Your photos are excellent. we could even see Venice. So the rest of you guys - is it out of sight out of mind. I think there should be more FOR Shelley-
Smelly Shelley!! When you said you was going travelling I thought you meant that you was going to buy a caravan and annoyingly park it in the field behind my house, leaving a mess everywhere whilst keying my car and invading my local pub wearing a baseball cap and shoes with holes in. Stoooopid me, that's a different type of traveller isn't it. Take care mate. x
Shelley...I was also witness to the dancing and what i need to know is who is going to pay for the intensive therapy I am currently having in order to recover!!
Initially, it was just going to be a 'Dancing Brend' folder - but Rose secured her inclusion by egging me on. Not so funny now is it Rose, just keep strumming. And Shell... you feel embarrassed??? I was the f***ing photographer!!!!!
Pride. Feel pride. If my Mum or Dad tried to dance like that, they would... die.
i dont know wether to feel total embarassment or pride towards my parents right now. all i can say is look what happens when i leave them to lead their lives without my advise and supervision. (dont judge me...)
Shell, just for your pleasure (and the cringe factor) - I have placed some photos of R & B doing what they do best..........DANCING!! You may never return to Gloucester again. Enjoy xx
Pete Morey
Hey shelly belly oooooh I just discovered your message board ooooh I'm so cold ooooh is that a moose ohhhhhh no it's just a bush oooooh hope you are welloooohoohhohhoho just a quick hello oohoooohohohoohohoh in song format ooooooohohoohhohoohhohohohohohohohohohohho yeahxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phill Langby
I like men. In a homosexual way. Hope you are OK Shelley. X
i hear that shelley's notice board is the place to be according to nina's's no chessington world of adventures....
hiya shelley how r u fine i hope!!! sounds like ur having loads of fun out in thailand and me and my mates at college have had loads of fun reading ur emails in the lessons!!!!!
cnt wait till i come out to see u sounds like we are going to have loads of fun and adventures!!!! ha ha and i really need a tan omg u look dark man!!!!!
anyway betta go i love u loads xxxx
hi shelley hope ur fine sposed to be doing cams paperwork thought id just see wat ur up to xxxxxx