Well I've made it to Lima. The flight from Saskatoon was great. The wait in the Toronto airport was okay too, I got lots of reading done during both those times. The flight from Toronto to Lima was alright althougth I didn't get as much sleep as I wanted. The person beside me was nice though and we chatted. Mostly about South America because he's travelled here lots before. He wasn't stopping in Lima though he was continuing on to Cuzco. Also on my flight to Lima there was what the pilot called "moderate turbulence" which was nothing compared when Quinn takes me flying and does the little drop thing that makes my stomach go all weird. So becuase of Quinn my flight was a breeze even with the turbluence. Thanks!
Now that I'm in Lima and at the hostel with Alyssa I can relax about the crazy way people drive around here. It's insane! Everyone drives like they are the only one on the road and there are horns going and almost everyone has a dent or at least a scratch in their car. The craziest though is the people on bikes, they are weaving through traffic like no big deal and popping out of no where all the time. So it might take me a while to get used to the way people drive around here.
Other then that I haven't done much yet. We have a Gourmet Food Tour booked that starts in an hour. I'm looking forward to it for sure.
Once I've experianced a little more Peru i will write again, I'm sure I'll have lots to share after our food tour!
P.S. in still trying to figure out this app and for sone reason its not letting me upload my own photo. The photo displayed is just a generic Peru picture. I'll try my best to get it figured out as soon as possible.
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