You'll all be glad to know that we survived our 1st overnight train trip, if anyone ever tells you that '21' is the best drinking game in the world - don't believe them. It's not!!! However, it did pass a few hours. Not really loving Xi'an it seemed the only thing to do was visit a pagoda called little goose, which was apparently split in 2 by an earthquake and then some 100 years later miraculously joined back together again with another earthquake, yeh right!! You couldn't even see the join... We did take a walk around the city walls but gave up after all of the smog we had inhalled, a lot worse than Beijing and not at all pleasant, much like the inhabitants of Xi'an. But we managed to entertain ourselves at the Moonkey Bar (we think they meant monkey).
The only reason to go to Xi'an ever, is of course the terracotta warriors, which was amazing!! So for all you fact fans the warriors were discovered in March 1974 by a local farmer digging a well. There had always been talk of this terracotta army protecting the 1st emperor (Qin) tomb but it's existance remained a mystery until now. The history books tell us that the warriors were placed North, East, South and West with their backs facing the tomb. Once the 1st pit was discovered the locals realised that the odd looking hill in the middle of their village was infact the emperors tomb, one of the most significant archeological finds in the world ever. To this day the tomb remains unopened due to the mercury river that surrounds it. Said farmer is now a mulit-millionaire, which got us thinking..... there are still 2 more pits to be found, how hard can it be to find the other 2 now we know roughly where they are ?! people could come far and wide to have their photo's taken with Cazza and Shazza (like Mr Farmer!). The only downside being that we would have to live in/near China and eat more rice! , so we scrapped that idea and decided to carry on with our travels.... This is obviously a very brief historical download about the warriors for more information please post questions on our notice board and we will do our best to help.
Anyway, we have an overnight train to catch we don't want to miss it as we want to get out of here! Until next time. xx
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