He says: About to go to sleep after another busy day in Koh Lanta. Today Shauna and I rented a motorbike from the resort and toured the island. We were planning on each riding our own bike, but after Shauna stepped on one and tried to ride it the dude from our resort said she couldn't as it was too dangerous for her. Truth be told she had just stepped on to it and he immediately said it was a no go, so it was a little ridiculous. Despite this setback we soldiered on and ended up riding Dumb and Dumber style on one with me at the wheel, aka handlebars, and Shauna holding on for dear life on the back. It was actually a great way to ride as we were able to chat about what we saw and take in the sights. I had never driven a scooter before so the whole thing took a little getting used to. However, by the end of the day I was ready to buy some leather chaps and hit the open road. We drove around the island and spent a good chunk of time visiting the animal shelter again. As soon as we arrived there it started to pour rain. It's evident that Koh Lanta is in need if a JJ Clarke because the forecasters here have no clue what they're talking about. We've been really lucky so far with the weather, and today "they" were calling for 9mm of rain, but it was pouring chubby rain for most of the day. After it cleared a little bit we took some dogs for a walk (refer to photo) and the volunteers were most appreciative. We met the manager of the shelter today, a really nice guy from England who was only planning on volunteering for a month, but fell in love with it and has now been managing the place since January. We're planning on walking some more dogs later this week, it's a great way to spend a few hours. One of the volunteers mentioned that there was an elephant farm just up the road from the shelter, so we wanted to take the motorbike to see it. Unfortunately I misheard the directions and we ended up going the wrong way and never saw it. Shortly after this the rain started pouring really hard to the point where we had to pull over and wait for the storm to pass. We made it back to the resort in time to enjoy the free wine tasting and had dinner with some new friends from Australia who have been traveling around the world for the last six months. We've put the scooter on reserve tomorrow so we can continue exploring this beautiful island. At the price of $10/day to rent the scooter, being part of a biker gang has never been so cost effective.
- comments
Kim I feel an elephant story coming on. Drive safe and keep applying the sunscreen! Xxoo
Aunt Lisa Another great read....I too am waiting for an elephant story! Love today's photo it made me giggle.