He says: I didn't know what to expect from Barcelona. My only real exposure to the city came when I was a kid watching the 1992 summer Olympics and the Euro NFL Barcelona Dragons (I don't know if they still exist).
With two days to explore, we took a taxi to the famous Christopher Columbus monument and hopped aboard a hoho to take in the sights. It soon became evident that this was a unique city with a ton of interesting buildings with different architectural styles.
After taking the red line tour we met up with our friends D&T and headed to a few pubs. On our way back to the ship we were all feeling pretty sauced. When we reached the port, Shauna challenged me to run up the downward escalator. I foolishly accepted her challenge. Out of breath and sweaty, I made it...or so I thought. Just as I was about to reach the last step and celebrate, I tripped and banged my knee on the stair. Bleeding and writhing in pain I started to slide down the stairs. Not wanting to give up I got up and made it!
Shauna washed out the wound and disinfected it once we got back to the room. It's now healing nicely (the photo is from a few days later). The best part is, Shauna captured the whole fall on tape.
- comments
Kim Love your attitude! Xxoo
Chris matt - it looks like your knee was scratched by a kitten, which would have been way more tough than what actually happened!