Cruise now over, thank god the boat didn't sink. As per usual the cruise was done cheaply, it only cost £56 for the 4 days 3 nights. The £56 brought me a bed in a four bed room and there ended up being four of us so we had a room to ourselves. Only a squat toilet and the room seemed liked it hadn't been cleaned in years but you get what you pay for.
Unfortunately the sights at the stop of points were even more expensive than most so we went to one temple. It was the cheapest and just made me pleased it was the only one we paid for. On the Sunday of the cruise we hoped on to another smaller ship for a few hours to see the little three gorges. The scenery on the cruise was as good as any in New Zealand, just spoilt by the many cities along the river.
Today before getting to Wuchang I went on a tour to the three gorges dam. The biggest waste of money in China so far. Don't really know what I expected but it was a big block of grey concrete. Interesting stuff. The big block of grey concrete was responsible for the relocation of many Chinese families, the immersion of 90% of the historical sites, the destruction of alot of the water wildlife and the lessening of impact of the three gorges, all due to the resulting rising water levels caused by the dam. The families were already in poverty but had their livelihood taken away. A unique species of dolphin was lost as the oxygen levels dropped in the water and apparently Chinese biologists are not at the level of intelligence yet to suggest saving the dolphins. It sums of Chinese government though. Also talked to our Chinese guide and drifted on to the subject of the middle east (being that one of the guys I was with was isareali) we got told that 'we are having a friendly conversation. Not about politics. '
And the bus to Wuhan was hellish. Would have been nice to have been able to fit my legs in.
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