Well what a wonderful weekend us 3 girlies just had in gay Paris! Firstly it took us about 3 months to agree a date that suited us all and our busy lives (we are so popular of course!). Finally Saturday morning dawned (5am for us) and we met at Waterloo Station full of excitement for our big weekend away together....and Lizzy's first time on the Eurostar!
The first calamity for the weekend was deciding to walk the apparently short distance from Gard du Nord to the Hotel. So the homing pigeons that we are we found a map in the station, found our road and began the walk. Breezing along through some dirty streets with very un-parisian men calling out and whistling to us we began to get slightly nervous. Then seeing shops with pigs trotters being carved up and number 32 which was meant to be our hotel completely boarded up with no access we decided to ask a friendly shop keeper the directions - in which he relied that we were on the right road in the wrong district! We had walked into the 18th instead of the 8th! Hot footing it out of there we flagged a taxi and giggling madly drove into a proper parisian neighbourhood. And our hotel had a door!
Getting a lemon and sugar crepe we began our touristy activities by walking to the Moulin Rouge where Lizzy did a Marilyn in her white floaty dress on a vent in the street, checked out cute boutiques and made our way to the top of the hill to the Sacre Coeur. Adele bought Zara a gorgeous painting from one of the stalls and we checked out the view over the city. After too much walking in 32 degree heat and hot sunshine we finally found a lovely little restaurant and sat outside sharing a gorgeous antipasto and drinking pints. A quick walk in the sunshine to visit the Louvre - Lizzy saw an arch thing in the garden and thought it was the Arch de Triumph and wondered why it wasnt bigger and more busy????
Home to get ready for our night out we dressed up, put on our lovely faces and headed out to the Marais district. Had a little squiz at the shops, cooled down with a lovely G&T and then went to a lovely restaurant that Alps had recommended. We were there from 8pm to about 2am! What a delicious time, trying to eat snails from their shells which was not that successful and ended up in tears of laughter and a helpful man assisting us. A very flirty waiter called Roman (Lizzy thought he introduced himself as Woman!)- who after our gorgeous oversized meals that we all vowed and declared we would not finish and did - gave us each a huge French strawberry - later a punnet of raspberries and then a free bottle of wine on the house! Bless.
The next day the alarm sounded like a brass band at the end of the bed at 9am and nursing our 'too much red wine' hangovers we hit the sites again. This time to the Eiffel Tower - which we were meant to go and see at 10.30pm on Saturday night to see the Bastille Day fire works but didnt make it - and saw it in the sunshine instead. Then a big walk to the Arch de Triumph and a stroll down the Champs Elysee with a quick spending spree in Sephora to buy make up.
We finished off with a lovely organic lunch back in the Marais district - ontime to the Eurostar and departed from gay Paris!
Girls weekends are the best.....need to plan another pronto!
Hugs Sezzy xx
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