Hola Chicos
Well we spent our Easter Holiday this year in gorgeous Madrid to get away from all the terrible rain, sleet and wind that we have been having here in London! As we have only been to Barcelona we thought it was time to visit Spain again and practice our 'Espanol'.
We had had various reviews of Madrid so arrived without too much expectation and were pleasantly surprised. Its a huge city but with lots of different neighbourhoods (barrios) which are all a little different from the next. The architecture is stunning and at every street you are given a wealth of beautiful buildings which make your jaw drop. We were blessed with pretty good weather for this time of year although on the Sunday whilst we ate Tapas at our favorite restaurant were given 4 seasons in one hour (it even started snowing!).
Generally our day consisted of getting up, wandering to a neighbourhood and taking in the sites, stopping in a plaza and having a coffee, finding a tapas bar so we could gorge ourselves on calamares, patata bravas and sangria/beer/wine and then heading back to the hotel by 6pm for a few hours siesta and then out again to find a bar for drinks and more tapas. Thats the life!
On the Saturday night we found a gorgesous little wine bar where everyone crowds around the bar. We tested a few of the spanish wines on recomendation from the bar girl and then she generously gave us pieces of cheese and meat and bread to have with our wine. Well that got the tastebuds going and we ordered a whole plate of cheese and meat - divine! The bar girls were so friendly and hospitable and it really made our night out.
So all thumbs up for Madrid! Had a brilliant break away and it was fun speaking Spanish again and realising how much we had forgotten but how quickly it starts to come back!
We are back in London and now eagerly awaiting our next trip for the first bank holiday of May to Marrakesh! Yippee!
Lots of love
Sarah and Shane xx
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