Arrive at the hotel and a very open plan feel to it all. We are directed to some seats with welcome drinks, whilst very polite staff keep reminding us that our room will be ready shortly. We are then directed to have lunch. Well. I'm still quite full after 2 plane meals and a loss of appetite due to flying but hey ho, let's see what's on offer. It would simply be easier to list what's not on offer. Daves in heaven as the salad bar is fresh and tasty. They have every conceivable curry, meat, fish possible and the obligatory French fries. Even beef and chicken burgers. The Sri lankans are fond of chicken. Chicken sausages, chicken bacon, chicken burgers...... You get the theme anyway. The dessert room is the best. Ice cream, hot puds and loads of fresh fruit line a full room. Its air conditioned too so a great place to browse for a while. The hotel has a lovely tranquil Buddhist theme. This may explain why me and shaky have been napping for England since we got here. We are shown to our room by another very polite member of staff. The room is well... Basic, but clean so that's all we can ask really. Real petals, chocolate cake and towel swans as a "congratulations you're on your honeymoon" welcome. Let's just test the beds for comfort...zzzzzzzzzzzz. Wake up in time to see that we missed a beautiful sunset, then tea and a few poolside drinks looking through our wedding gallery. It's hot!! (yes Dave got the wifi sorted on day one)!
Up and at em for a meeting with sam our rep. 20 minutes later apparently we are going on a 2 day excursion into the hills with a private guide!! How did that happen??
Now to relax by the pool. Sun beds bagged and a dip in the pool to cool off. It's now getting warm. Dave constantly telling me to put cream on. Guess who burnt their back today????..... Not me anyway!
Swimming in the pool and a huge lizard walks around the edge. Very tame and about 18 inches in length. Just minding its own business and obviously used to the attention it was attracting. We named him Eddie lizard. Then there's the numerous tame chipmunks who scamper about looking for leftovers and sit on the end of your sun lounger when your sunbathing. Called......alvin, Simon and theodore.
Another 2 hour power nap, another sunset missed. Get changed and go to get our free a la carte meal. Too easy! You have to book the night before and order your meal the night before so they can cook it for you. Think it's cooked by candlelight.
Anyway, walk into the main restaurant and Dave realises that his shirt is exactly the same as some scouse guy in there. Talk about wardrobe malfunction. He powered through it though.
Cocktails and drinks in the main bar listening to 2 Sri lankans play guitars and sing classics. Bon jovi, mustang Sally, etc. quite good at singing but not exactly certain they got the words 100% right!!
Mmmmmmm. Sleepy!!! Think I'll bid you all good night!!
- comments
Angela Walls Sounds like heaven. Looking forward to reading about 2 day trip :-)
Hayley NORTCLIFFE Can't believe you have the time to write all this when you're on your honeymoon! It sounds absolutely fantastic .... jealous? Me? Well hell yeah! Don't get lost on the excursion into the hills .... we need you back at work lol