Early alarm snoozed. Head for more egg boiling, thinking we were clever. My eggs were underdone. Gutted.
Start the journey to Vik. Baggy's driving day. I can relax. Two hour journey east along the coast to Vik. All to see some puffins. About an hour in hawkeye spots a waterfall 3 miles down the road. This "just happens" to be the one he really wanted to see. The one you can walk behind. Park up. All wrapped up, The camera is out, The camera gets wet, Shaky gets mad, the cameras away. Shaky takes it out on me. Anyway. Pretty awesome sight and able to walk (rock climb in parts) behind the falls. Got drenched but well worth it.
Onwards to Vik. Oh no, shaky has spotted another waterfall. Skogafoss this time. "Let's walk up the 3000 steps to the top of the falls" he says. "No" I say. This combines my fear of heights, steps and wind. Anyway, I do it to please him. Every bit of encouragement coming from his mouth makes me want to punch him even more. Anyway I did it. Back down now and have a bite to eat in the local church hall, that despite the lack of customers appears to have more staff than Asda.
Onwards to Vik. Finally get there, decide there is nothing there and turn around. Not far though as we have a look at the local beach. If there's a tour bus there it must be worth looking at. Park up and look at the beach with the natural giants causeway type cliffs. Windy? Windy? We are literally having to walk doubled over just to move forward. We get the giggles. The sea is rougher than a cas lass. In fact, other than my purple coat, you could be forgiven for thinking you were looking at a black and white photo. Black sand, grey sea, grey sky.
Heading back to the hotel. Same road, same sights. We decide to test out the hot tub, which let's face it doesn't look that hot or that inviting. But in for a penny in for a pound. We strip off to our swimsuits. Put on the less than generous sized bathrobes and complimentary crocs. Dave's first in, quickly followed by a shivery me. Ahhhhh. It's like a bath and bloody gorgeous. Why didn't we try this sooner? It must look very strange to those being shown their rooms in hats and coats. Now a very quick dash back to the room. Quick shower and out for some tea. Head into hvergaroi into one of the local restaurants. "Sorry we are closing". b******s! Think its just for local people. Head over the road and are made very welcome at cafe rose. A refreshing pint of Viking beer to wash down my chicken pitta, whilst watching shameless US on the big screen. Home to pack and bed as we have an early start and high mountain to negotiate in the morning.
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