Burnt, Bitten and Bullied!!!
Hey we are finally here. two days down,god knows how many to go! Living out of a backpack isnt as much fun as we first thought,but its all about living the dream! we said,two days down,and as you all prob imagined so many stories to share already!!!( yet we havent downloaded any photos,be patient!)
We´l be brief,Rio is beautiful! and more importantly,friggin hot!!! The both of us (yes already!) are burnt to a crisp...looking oh so beautiful!
Salt is covered with mozzie bites (pic to follow...its well worth the wait!!!)
Our van blew up on our way to Corcovado - this is the most beautiful thing we have ever seen...and prob one of the most beautiful things we will ever see (except for tomorrow morning when we look in the mirror!)
Today we walked all the way accross the coastline of Rio,Copacabana beach and Ipanema and tomorrow visiting the favelas! eek!
Anyway as we said short and sweet, update you in a couple of days, hoepfully with the pictures!
oh ye...Salt and me will (as we had hoped for) be 10 stones lighter when we get back, cos at the moment rabbit food is on the menu!
MISS YOU ALL (but prob not as much as you miss us!!!)
from two burnt, bitten and bullied beauties!
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