I love your final blog, I have loved reading about your adventures and I am still in shock that you and Rachio are coming back as friends. So glad your both safe and cannot wait to see you both soon.
Rob Ward
Questions, questions, questions!
Yes, i'm better. Yes, i know you're going on holiday. Train to Leeds, sort some stuff out, head to Brid as soon as i've sorted the house and stuff...
Will definitely see you before you go...
Love you too x x x x x
hope you're feeling better roberto..!! stay safe in Thailand, we go on holiday on the 30th may you know..? when do you reach england? how will you get from london to whereveer you're going..? when are you coming home...? love you loads and hope we see you soonx x x x x
That is such a typical robert remark. I didnt bother asking you not to go to thailand knew it would be a total waste of time. Stay safe love you loads xxxxxxxxx
Lauren Ward
that's an awful thing to say Robert, thanks for the birthday message though. love you and take care x x x
Rob Ward
Lauren, it's too late i'm afraid. I'm in Thailand cos i'm skint and it's the cheapest place to be. And i'm flying from Bangkok when i come home. But i'll not put myself in harm's way. Although if i do get shot i'll take this opportunity to wish you happy birthday for next week...
hahha very funny....!!! i got my postcard, it was lovely thank youi although it would seem that i'm too predictable and far too easy to wind up now... asif you let ,e think you had forgotton me, i was genuinely upset about it. Anyway sounds like you had an awesome time at that makeshift water park, very unlike you..!! love you loads x x ps don't go back to thailand yet x x x
Rob Ward
Hello Daniel.
I didn't get any easter eggs, i'm afraid. I'll probably be back before your holidays - but only if i can find a cheap way to get back! It's chuffing expensive!
we are going on holiday soon in 6 weeks bet we dont get as brown as you!.did you get a easter egg? lots of love danielxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rob Ward
Sorry to hear about your poverty! You'll just have to wait and see about a postcard...
I kind of agree with you about the bodies in Cambodia, but at the same time i think being able to see exactly what happened ensures that nobody will ever forget exactly how horrific the acts of the Khmer Rouge were. Also, Cambodians don't have quite the same beliefs regarding the burying of the dead, but i guess that's for another blog...
just re read what i wrote and i feel i should apologise for my spelling and grammer... sorry i know it will offend you x x