Thanks for the messages everyone! Glad you're enjoying the blog! Currently in Melbourne where the internet is expensive, so it might be a while before my next update...
Love to you all x
Lauren Ward
aaw robert you write so beautifully... im proud i think you could get your blog published you know.. and lil bob. Sounds like you're both having an amazing time, look forward to hearing from you in melbourne.. love ya loads x x x
Kerry Balti
Hey Bert
Hope your ok x Sounds like your having a fab time !! I'm soo jealous !! Look forward to next blog x
sounds like you are having a good time, glad you have had a good meal at last. love you loads xx
Hey Wardi,
Loving the blogs!
Im so disappointed for you that you had to wait so long for good food!
Check your facebook emails - Ive sent info on shares - boring I know!
Hey Bert,
Are you being nice to Rachel? Im hoping you haven't fallen out on the 12 hour flight!
Im so jealous of you and so proud too - you guys are living a dream!
Make sure you keep in touch and update this blog loads.
Look after each other.
Love always
Scott Chesworth
This trip is all about transforming the grumpy old man into a chilled out surfer dude that likes commercial pop music. U dont need me or anyone else for that matter to tell you this is gonna be the best thing that ever came out of Hbos.. (i hope u saved a chunk of ur brass for Rach's ring.. ;) just annoying Rach with that comment) honestly i hope u have the time of you're life dude.. stay safe and remember when changing currency in Thailand to get it at the exact rate and not 'Abhart'... ! Scott
Melanie Gill
Bert, please make sure you look after Rachio - no picking on her.
Have a super fabulous time and make sure you up date your blog loads.