We went on a newberlin walking tour today which started at the Parisa Platz which is a joke with Paris to say that Berlin is more victorious over them.
In the Platz is the Brandenburg Gate which was the kings royal entrance to palace. Which had been destroyed in WWII.
Also in the Platz is Hotel Adlon which is the most expensive hotel in Berlin costing around €15,000 a night. This hotel is also where Michael Jackson dangled his baby out the window, it's not the most expensive hotel in Berlin.
We then walked across the fan park entrance and to the Holocaust memorial. There was about 11 million Jews killed but only covers 6 at this one we saw today. The memorial was built by an artist who wanted to get a message across but also leave much upto individual perception. The outside of the memorial has grey columns and some which are short and wide and as you get closer to the centre there's tall and narrow columns. The grey colour is similar to that of a tombstone which commemorates the victims. It also dips in the centre repressing going under and feeling trapped. Walking into the centre also makes you feel disorientated and claustrophobic. The narrow passages between the columns makes walking through them feel as if it would walking through the ghettos or concentration camps. The narrow columns demonstrate single file walking or losing friends down aisles and being so close to someone but feeling so far away from them. The different heights and sizes of the columns could be interpreted in two ways- different ages of the victims or as statistics of those killed.
Walked across to see where Hitlers bunker used to be. It is now covered over by a car park. Not much to be seen or said about it other than it was where he committed suicide.
Next we saw the only remaining communist building which was the Luftwaffe building. This used to be the old aviation centre. It was the only building in Germany that was not bombed during the 2 years of war. Some think it's a conspiracy theory but nothing can be sure. There building is now a tax office.
Then walking around the corner we saw some of the original parts of the Berlin Wall which separated East and West Berlin. The wall was high so that no one could jump over. There was also the death strip between the inner wall and main wall which made it impossible to pass or get over.
We also briefly walked past check point Charlie which purely commentates the old border between East and West Berlin.
Strolling after that into the more posh area with Starbucks and h&m was the 1920's cabaret mile.
After that we went to Gendarmenmarkt which has two churches and an opera house. There are two cathedrals as one is French and another German.
Walking towards the old royal boulevard we saw The Humboldt University. This building was originally a public library made by Frederick the great. Many great scientists and philosophers studied here including Einstein.
Saw the TV tower from a distance... Didn't look that great tbh. The old royal boulevard has a statue of Frederick the great on a horse which demonstrates as he would gallop down the boulevard.
Went back to the holocaust museum- very emotional. Words can't describe the things that I saw. Letters, diary entries and voice recordings from notes and stories of different families being separated. It was a lot to take in but put a lot into perspective.
Tonight was the Berlin-Brazil football FIFA semi-final and what better place to be than Berlin... We went to fan park which is near the Brandenburg Gate. We got there early ish and got our free supporting t-shirts and banging things to make noise. The park soon filled with thousands of people and the atmosphere was great before the match had even started! Then they only went and scored 7 times?! It was an amazing atmosphere... People singing chanting and dancing! Was truly awesome!!!
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