Hi All,
Last night in New Zealand tonight and I'm VERY sad to be leaving. We had an amusing last trip on the Magic Bus back from the Bay of Islands today involving a kick ass i pod playlist from yours truely and a mad driver called Dusty! Heading to Fiji tomorrow for two weeks with two of the girls off the bus, found out we were on the same flight and have decided to tag along with them! (Lucky them I hear you cry) They're really lovely though so it should be a good few weeks.
Last time I wrote I was in Christchurch and met up with Dayan (From South America) and Sally (From Salusbury!) Christchurch was cool, we even squeezed in a wine tour which was FAB. NZ wine is pretty damn good and I do believe I am an expert now! Pale wine means it's young and good legs mean more alcohol..Nice.
After Christchurch we headed to Kaikora which was STUNNING. A shame we could only stay one night but we went whale watching (Saw two MASSIVE sperm whales) on a VERY bumpy boat but the weather was great and I got some awesome pictures.
Next stop was Wellington where I met up with Robbo which was great, also received goodies from home so thanks to mum, dad, bruv and Wendy...the Tetley teabags have been much appreciated!
From Wellington we went to Mount Maganui (I can't remember how it's spelt) and then back through Taupo and Rotorua back to Auckland. We took off on a two day trip to the Bay of Islands and Cape Reinga when we got back to Auckland which was great. More stunning scenery and a karaoke bar...the less said about that the better really! But thanks to Nicky and Marie for a STUNNING rendition of The Wonder of You by Elvis (For those of you who don't know, my future husband will be required to sing that to me on our wedding day...I just have to find him first!!)
Our trip to Cape Reinga was AWESOME. We were on a coach that used to be a big truck and had been modified to go "Off road", it was therefore very wobbly but cool. The highlight for me was sandboarding, I managed twice down an ENORMOUS sand dune, I think I'm getting a taste for extreme sports, I'll be base jumping before I know it (Only joking mum I'll be good)! We finished the ay with a drive down Ninety Mile Beach (Which isn't 90 miles at all, liars) and saw a sight that really freaked us out but is so rare to see that our bus driver nearly wet himself. It was a beached whale, really freaky, it was HUGE. Apparantly they come to the bay to die but our driver said in 5 years he's never seen one so was very excited.
We left Pahia this morning and have arrived back in Auckland for our last night. We're gatecrashing the leaving do of our very first Magic Bus driver so it should be fun and we've been promised Jaegerbombs from Dusty...shoudl be another night of sophistication for Team Magic!
Anyway, that's all from me, Fiji tomorrow for break from the boozing and seriously needed week of lie ins!
Hope you are all well, take care
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