The short version
Sleep in
Amazing breaky poached eggs bacon waffles maple syrup and coffee
Great chat with mr b and Leah
Bit of a rest and Telly in the room
Good chat with a lovely lady at reception who wanted to know if I'm married! ( she was too so good laughs)
Couple of kays walk to nusa dua watching the people
About 3 hours surfing. ( no idea maybe more). Hanging at the end section. Some very late drops and shallow coral. Coupla coverups.
Long paddle in
Clever j had 100,000 tucked in the leggy pocket so rehydration mission. Small water. Large heiniken at beach bar and a chat with a Swedish surfer.
A bit more walking
An arak attack. Arak, lime and sprite and a chat with a Pommy surfer from today's session.
Another walk
Home for a shower, a beer, a couple of home made Ham and cheese sambos.
( see, saving money eh).
A lovely chat with darling Nettie, who I see almost tomorrow. Yayyyyyyy
Sound like a good day??????????
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