On home soil again :)
Day 57 - 30/11/09 - Melbourne (Australia)
Wow, what an eventful plane trip they made our last flight of the trip! We boarded the plane last night and it moved away from the terminal, before stopping. After 15 minutes, they told us that someone still had something electrical turned on, before searching a guys bag.
A few minutes later, we were told that we were going back to the terminal as there was a technical fault and they needed to fix it. Anhour after our depature time (and after viewing the safety video for asecond time) we were finally in the air and watching lightning out our window - it was amazing to see.
After a fairly sleepless night on the plane, we were starting to get close to Melbourne. We made 2 large circles in the sky as we waited to land as there was a queue - we all know everyone wants to be in Melbourne! Once off the plane, we went through customs and quarantine in very little time. It was great to walk through the international arrivals gates in our home town (for the first time) and be met by family! - after so many international arrivals seeing people meeting their respective family and friends.
We would like to thank you for all your messages and for keeping track of us on our great Asian Adventure. We had such a fantastic time creating the memories, and we hope you have enjoyed reading about our journey and our seeing pictures of the trip.
Take care - Jess & Scotty
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