Our border crossing into Bolivia went smoothly and soon we entered Tupiza. I have said good things about many places during our trip but this is the coolest place I have been in. I have a lot to tell you about this place, but again, it will be short.
We arrived early and the rumors had told us that Tupiza was the real wild west so therefore we decided to go horse riding. We decided for three hours and had our new known friend Kiran from England with us. Soon we stood with cowboy hats and gaiters on and I had been overly clear that I wanted to do a lot of galloping, otherwise there wouldn't be anymore horse riding for me on this trip. We went out in Tupizas amazing landscape. I said that the surrounding of Cafayate looked like Nevada. This did as well and it was the real wild west. Galloping was wicked and I just didn't want to get off my horse in the end. At the end of the riding, it wasn't even galloping anymore, the horses were just running, crazily and we couldn't stop them.
The day after, we went out to the Salt dessert and were out for four days but after this we had to go back to Tupiza again because Uyuni which we arrived in after our excursion to the Salt dessert was totally out of money and people had been stuck there for days trying to pay for their excursion. We went back to Tupiza and it was a bit of a pain, because we had to travel six hours south even though we wanted to go north, towards Peru. Everything was good anyway, coming back to Tupiza we had much more time for horse riding. We met some really nice people and went out for a six hour riding tour. The boys we went with rode without a saddle and this time it was even more wild West. In honesty, it was a bit to intensive for Scott with almost no experience. The horses we had did not want to stop, it didn't matter what we did to stop them and again, they were just running, completely mental but I had the best time ever and could feel like a cowboy once again! or Cowgirl :)
There are so many things happened in between but it is too much to go through now and I will have to tell you our funny stories when back home instead...
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