Tuesday (29th)
Flew to LA arriving 6pm local time, we checked into a hotel not far from the Harley pick up place for convenience in the morning. LA is huge and sprawls across and area that takes 2 hours to drive so we got some advise and took a cab to 'Hamosa Beach pier', where there was some bars and places to eat by the ocean, had a good night. Clare got ID'd at one of the bars - mega.
Wednesday (30th)
We picked up the Harley from Eagle Rider's in the morning, got kitted up had the brief and started the tour. The bike was a new black Electra lite, it was awesome. We had piss-pot helmets and leather jackets to wear to look the part! The 3 day route would take us up to Santa Maria via the Pacific coast road and back down via the mountain road. The first port of call was Santa Monica where we met the 'Pacific Coast Highway', we drove north along the Pacific Ocean. Malibu stretches 27 mile along the Highway and is considered the beach bit of LA, (Simon Cowell living here). On one particular part of this road we met up with some other bikers and in a pack tore up the coast road, Metallica's 'Nothing Else Matters' was playing on the radio - It was an amazing feeling of freedom and the adrenalin was pumping, Scott was loving it. Stopping in Ventura we have lunch true Californian style - salads and smoothies! It was surprisingly delicious for healthy food! Back on the bike we rode up to Santa Barbara, we were able to ride the bike up the pier where there were plenty on photo opportunities. From Santa Barbara the road veered inland through the Santa Ynez Mountains, the road winds up to an elevation of 2,000 feet and looks over Lake Cachuma, an amazing sight from the mountains over the lake. We stopped in the town of Slovang which was 'Red Neck Ville' nestled in the heart of the mountains. The breathtaking views continue as we headed up to Santa Maria where we stopped for the night in the historic 'Santa Maria Inn'. (not before buying some protective face gear from the Harley store, the piss-pot helmets were not as protective from the wind as were would have liked! Although Clare had a nice leather arm chair to sit on, the buffeting was hard to take!) We had dinner in a nearby steak house, and of course a bottle of Californian red……
Thursday 1st April
After Brekkie in bed we got on the road towards Pismo beach, stopping only to buy cowboy boots from 'The boot bar' on the way. This was to indulge Scott's red neck tendencies and desire to be a cowboy! The boots were great; we both got a pain and posed for a few pickies as proud as punch. Now with the full kit on, boots and face scarf we were ready to go. Surging North before we turned inland we stopped off at Morro Bay where there's a huge rock that juts 578 feet out of the Ocean. After we'd jumped on the rocks we continued on towards La Panza Mountain Range. Passing the Carrizo Plain with what seemed like millions of oil donkey's and stopping for lunch in 'Jack ranch Café'. We then found ourselves riding through the Sierra Madre Mountains that were part of the Los Padre National Forest. (2 million acres of Californian forest) The ride through the mountains was awesome elevating to almost 9,0000 feet, we spiralled up and over the mountains along some quite hairy roads. Photo opportunities at the summit. The sun was getting low in the sky and the views were out of this world. That night was spent at the Crown Plaza back in Ventura, a lovely hotel on the beach side, our room had a view over looking the ocean and we managed to acquire some free drink vouchers (which didn't last long) and a free movie and breakfast vouchers too, result, I think the concierge fancied Scott in his cowboy boots and leather jacket! We has a fab dinner in the restaurant next door looking out to sea, and again more Californian red……
Friday (2nd)
The final day of our trip!
We left Ventura and drove along Mullholland Drive, it twisted and turned through the mountains on our way back to LA. Stopping to get our bearings, as it was difficult to navigate, we almost dropped the bike, Scott saved it but squashed his leg in the process! After 1 tone of bike was restored upright we took one a road back to the coast. We drove back via Santa Monica again this time spending some time and having lunch on the pier (not dissimilar to Blackpool), we headed back to Eagle Riders through the city, a sprawling Metropolis, entwined with huge 3 lane highways. We returned the bike and caught a cab to the airport. The flight to Melbourne was at 11pm so we had a bit of time to kill, LA airport not offering much so we went for a walk about! Finally we boarder our Qantas flight, Clare felt a bit emotional as it was headed in the opposite direction to home and the 2 scheduled BA flights, however as soon as we noticed that 1 was delayed and the other was cancelled we soon looked to the future and that was Melbourne!
Saturday (3rd)
Passed the International Date Line and lost a day!
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