hows it going ozzies!!! wow cant belive youre both back living the dream. so hows it all going???? where you settled in melbourne? last thing i remember about that place was beating samoa in the quarter finals of the world cup 03 and hitting the town........belting night!
we are still at scarborough, doing the caravan park for now but watch this space.......
whatvers hapening i hope its all good and your both lovin it
take it easy guys
stevie and gemma x
Janet & Graham
Hi to you both, hope alls well, have you settled in ok it sounds like it. wish we were there with you. Not alot going on here its raining again nan and granddad send there love. We are off to wales for the weekend , write to you again soon. HAPPY ANERVERSARY FOR THE 6TH JUNE lots of love from both of us xxxx
Lee Tracy And Tyler
just read your new bloggs,
am megga, the bike and the music and country my heven heee but would of taken a drive to long beach arena (may be one day? lol)
Glad you got to the merry old land of oz alright (after the international incident heee how odd?)
ur nephew Tyler pigg sais a big hello after crewling of from us and climbing up his bouncer hee. cant wait to see more photos, Im sending the long delayed holl picks i promiced and the funny videos too.
Take care all the love to you both and are always in our thoughts, will give to a ring one day soon.
Emma Poole
Hi guys - looks fantastic - cant believe your there bet you cant believe it either - its a whole new life/style for you guys now - brilliant you did it.
Em x
Lee Tracy And Tyler Pig
Hello Clare and Scott,
Thanks for the postcard from belize was lovely to read and looks just like my desert island heheh.
Well we just got back from our wonderful holiday in porthmadog wales,Tylers first holl (taken hundreds of photos and vids) We stayed in a lovely caravan on a haven park nr black rock sands. Had cloudy weather to start but rained at night then wow scorcher the rest except sunday daytime. We drove to lots of places(well trace did, felt guilty, but did drive on the beach heeeee) had fish and chips on the beach (in the car) Tyler loved seeing the sea and the sand, he was climbing on everything in the van and looking out the window at some boys playing footy. His top tooth is fully grown now and looks funny, he is eating eyerything but likes to spit it back at us heeee. The welsh countryside was beautiful, (no wonder you lived in amanford lol) We just read your latest blog and seen your photos and vids WOW!!!! mega am so happy your having a fab time, bet by the time you read this your already in melborne ozz and been for that drink with roger or ten? heee give him our best and helen too, bet hes been none stop surfing, as well as drinking lol.Hope it all goes smoothly and find jobs etc a.s.a.p say hello to scotts family over there.
As I said we took loads of photos and vids and well send them to you asap will do our own little blog for you on here too. take care speak soon
lots of love, lee, tracy and tyler
Mathew , Auntie Win , Uncle Mick
sending lots of love , Mick was at your old place in Wales remembering the good weekend we all had waiting for the next one!!!!!!!! All the best in your new life love from everyone
Mum & Pops
hi you two,
we have been reading the blogs and you are having a fantastic time, not long now till you are in Austalia and the start of another adventure for you. You two have lived mor in the last few years than most people have in a life time. Carry on having a fantastic life we will always be with you in spirit and phone calls etc we look forward to seeing more photos and videos.
love you both loads Mum and pops XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Jane And Mick
hi guys
lewis is amazed by the whale shark we love the photos had a little cry missing u loads ethan says hi when can he start diving looks amazing
Janet, Graham
Hi to both of you , good photos, nice to see the places your at, and the things your upto {all good we hope} keep sending them. All well on the home front not a lot to tell, love from both of us xxxx
Hi guys,
Diggin the huge spotty fish action! hope it's goin pretty regular for you both, not far from arriving on the other side now hey? Hels landing in melbourne on thurs, new flats excelent, nextdoor is coming vacant next week if intrested, we could be like neighbours in melbourne!, he he. My aus no- 0424906199, 1 / 107 fitzroy st, St kilda, giz a shout when in town an will go for a beer prehaps?
Mum & Pops
hi dude and dudeti see your having a great time wish was with you
weather hereis as usual c**p nice day yesterday hopefully will get better
Sarah is getting a menace,all visitors have now gone and semi_peace returns.
cant wait to see the pics bet they will be great
lots of love and hugs mum,pops& beauty (wuff)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nicolina, Nick, And Sarah
hi scott and clare
hope you are having a good time and not too many of the early mornings cant wait to see pics and for your next update