Nepal blog 4
It was a bit quiet after Ian left :(, but right now there are some more guests. Eveline (25 yrs old) arrived when Ian was still here. She's Portuguese and is doing the massage course here. A couple of days later Laura (33 yrs old) from South Africa arrived, a really nice girl. Then there was Jason (41, from London), and yesterday evening Dan (36, USA) arrived: the more the merrier:)
I am a bit disappointed in our yoga teacher. He is doing well at yoga, but he is a lousy teacher, if I may say so… And since he is the one that has to teach us how to teach yoga… well.. that's not easy.. He showed us some postures and didn't so them as they should have been done and he is just reading a bit, telling us what he just read about, reading a bit more, etc.. that's not teaching, isn't it? I hoped I would meet some kind of Guru, someone that would be very passionate about teaching and yoga, but that's definitely not the case.. and he knows… at one point I was really upset with him and I asked him why he didn't even asked us (when we arrived) if we had any injury's or other physical problems (one should know that before teaching). I also commentated on his teaching style during the yoga class. My mum and Laura are not as flexible, but he's not helping them, not giving advise or easier postures to try or any positive feedback, etc. Funny thing was that the next day he did try, but he's just not born to teach I suppose.
Even more funny and quite relieving was the fact that (he told us today) a friend of his, a PHD in yoga, is coming to teach us for some hours. I think he understands that his knowledge is not satisfying for us, so he's trying better now, in every way. I think right now, he's even preparing his lessons… go crazy!
Our second yoga-lecture was quite interesting though.. We talked about celibacy. Now, in the books it is said that a true yogi lives a life of celibacy and that, if you follow the 'rules' of yoga, that that is one of the main things to do. Luckily it is not as strict as I thought it would be. Although we're not allowed to think about sex (is to write about is the same as thinking about it??), we are allowed to have it, or actually, we are not allowed to have sex, but we're allowed to make love :) as long as there is no lust or physical attraction, or as long as those things are not the main reason for making love…. And then he said: 'you can have sex maybe once a month, or a couple of times a month or every week at least three times'.'At least three times?' I wondered ;) Oops, his English is not as good (he meant maximum 3 times) and as for me, at least three times sounds better than once a month, although lately I'm living the celibacy life anyways…
Another thing he told us was that you should be able to live your life without letting the lows and the highs catch up with you. I understand about the lows. You should face them and move on. Nobody's going to be happy about you being al down because a bad thing happened to you. I don't really understand why you couldn't be all happy because: in love, just got an awesome job, got pregnant, won a price, or whatever. I love my highs ;) And peoplelike happy people, right? Oh.. wait, it is not about other people liking or loving you, it's only about you liking or loving someone else. It doesn't matter it that person likes/loves you back. That's their thing… mmm… I'm not sure about all of that.. I kind of get it, but I don't know if I could live like that… I think it's awesome if you love someone and that person loves you back… right??
Well, he's not some kind of God, so I'm not going to believe everything he's telling us.. but there are definitely some lessons to learn and some lessons to ignore ;)
Yesterday, Laura, my mum, Arun and I went to the Nuns monastery @ the Druk amitabha Mountain, about a 45 minute walk from here (uphill…) It was the nicest place ever! They make awesome cappuccino's and banana cake :) And the convent looked amazing. We met one non that told us that she had a 12 year old son and a husband back in India, but she left them to become a nun. At first they weren't to happy about it, but now they, and her parents too, are very proud. She visits her son sometimes.. pretty amazing..
When we gotback home it was meditation time and that's not really my favorite part of the day. I find it really difficult to concentrate sometimes, but I'm doing better every day luckily. I'm not always with our teacher when he shows us some garden (I like gardens, but I rather go to the beach surfing of think about life and stuff), but I guess for him, gardens are the most beautiful landscapes he's ever seen…
Well, a lot of critical notes, but that's good I suppose. We're still learning a lot: we bought amazing books and we study about 5 hrs every day and I am really happy to be here, so it's all good…
- comments
Anita Hi Saske. Good for you girrl! Keep your critical mind. And see your teacher change / improve. Nothing wrong with that. Does your yoga school has a website? Like to have a look. Enjoy the cappuccino's and the bananacake. Yummie, had that in Egypt. Love it. Bye!