India blog 3 - btw: that's the house I live in and the cow was just there one afternoon...
Gokulam, India
India blog 3
Tuesday was a moonday (full moon), so no yoga (again): feels like I'm cheating, feels like I did more yoga @ home (which is probably true, the last couple of weeks I had about 8-10 yogasessions a week), but next week I'll have six days of yoga.
Paul, Dagmar and I went to Melcote, where we were going to see a temple and just enjoy some peace and silence. We met at 8 am in the morning and after 2 busrides and a riksha (alltogether about 2.5 hrs) we arrived. It was beautiful over there: I'll post some pic's soon. We chilled out at the ponds, climbed and sat in a tree and had really good dosa's with coconut chutney for lunch.
I was wondering how it happened that the book 'eat, pray, love' sets in Italy first, because, although I do love Italian food, the Indian food is so amazing and at the same time way more heathy (most of the time). And I know that my friend Claudia found love in Italy, so that leaves Bali for praying... Maybe I can write a book called 'eat, surf, love', then I would be right.
Anyway, so Melcote was beautiful and we got back quite late, but just in time for dinner (lucky me!).
On Wednesday we could do yoga again and, as I wanted to shower in between practice and chanting, I arrived a bit early at the shala. Luckily the hall was empty and I could start straight away. Because of that, my time changed to 9.30 am shala time (9.15 normal time), which is great, because then I will always have time to shower and maybe eat in between practice and chanting. When doing Bhujapidasana, I went down without touching my feet on the floor (first time ever): it's nice to experience progress during the practice, it's not a must, but sometimes you need it a bit to keep going. The dropbacks were quite heavy though, I couldn't hold my ankles for the whole 5 breaths, maybe because of the full moon.. Mu lower back does aches a little. After chanting I slept for a bit, did my homework (loving the sanskrit classes!) and went to class. Then chilling out at home, dinner and I went for a chai tea with Paul and Dagmar.
I had a rough night: musquito's kept me awake... That day, after practice (drop backs went great and, as someone else adjusted me in them, Sharath asked me afterwards if I 'grabbed' (my ankles), and yes I did and it felt so much better than Wednesday; I kind of relaxed doing it, weird feeling, but nice) Paul and I had lunch at my place (again really good food - is it getting boring yet? You all should come here and enjoy of maybe if you're lucky I'll cook some Indian food for you one day) and went to town afterwards. We strolled around, Paul had to choose some more fabrics - he had a pants and a shirt made and they were really nice, so he wanted some more of those - and he showed me around the market. We had a chai tea and as Paul went to a meditation course, I took the bus back home.
Dinner was chapati with okra and yoghurt (I love okra) and, as Friday is LED class, bed time was quite early.
Maya left on Friday, so we had lunch at out place with Paul, Dagmar and Carla and said goodbye to Maya around 2.30pm. Then I chilled out for a bit before sanskrit class.
After Sanskrit and Hatha yoga pradipika & bhagavad gita class, I went to the chocolate lady with Cherie (from England) and after that I moved up to Maya's old room, which is even nicer than the one I had downstairs. Paul and Dagmar picked me up around 6.30 pm to go to the Chakra House for a Kirtan night - people singing, playing tabla and harmonium. It started out quite nice, but after an hour I had enough and I left and Paul as well. I went home, had dinner and a long sleep.
On Saturday we planned going to the swimming pool, but it was too cloudy. So we had a coconut water and I went home to relax. In the late afternoon we met up again to go for a walk around a lake nearby. We went there by riksha, but the way back we walked (about 3 km?) the walk around the lake was about 3 km as well and really beautiful with lots of birds. The walk made me really happy: I do miss the water/ the sea. After the walk we went for a drink (and Paul and Dagmar had dinner). I had dinner at home and watched a Disney Movie (thanks Marianne), inspired by Dagmar, because she told me she never watches disney movies (I feel so sorry for her ;)).
Next day, Sunday, early morning 5.45 am practice. Later, at 9am we went to the swimming pool and had a lovely day lying in the sun under the palm trees, playing ping pong, reading and swimming. At 3.45 pm Paul and I had to be at the Shala for the conference, so we left around 3.15 pm. The conference wasn't really interesting this time, but well, sometimes it's good to listen to things that you already know. Makes you think about them even more.
In the evening I did my homework for Sanskrit class so I wouldn't have to do it last minute (I'm getting so responsable - must be the age).
Monday was a bit horrible. After yoga I found out that Withney Houston died and honesstly I had to cry.. After that, I got a bit of a headache and it got worse during my classes in the afternoon. Paul, Dagmar and I went to check out some jewellary at Silvers Nest, but I couldn't really enjoy it, because I didn't feel too well. Luckily another friend, who is a massage therapist, offered me an massage in the evening - my shoulder and neck were hurting a lot as well - and although my headache wasn't completely gone that evening, the following day I woke up without pain and I felt really good and my practice went very well as well.
After breakfast, chanting and laundry, Paul and I went to town for some shopping - he had to buy lots of presents for all his friends at home and he bought Dagmar and me a present as well, because we became such good friends ànd because it was Valentine's day: so sweet. After dinner at home, I had to make more homework for Sanskrit class and after that it was time for bed.
The next morning I woke up feeling quite bad... I had a cold and a bit of a headache again... Practice was very very verry heavy. My time changed again (there was nobody waiting when I arrived) so next session starts at 8.45 am, which is a nice time I think.
After practice and breakfast, I went to chanting, but I felt so weak.. I was happy to go home and sleep. Before Sanskrit class, Bunny made me some rice with curd and I felt a bit better.
Quiet night: watched a disney movie again (Tarzan): Saw that lang ago in the cinema, when I lived in Geneva. My good friend Rui worked there and arranged for us (me and the kids) to see the movie for free. Wow, that's 12 years ago... time flies!
I'm going to post this blog now, Thanks for reading and please leave a message: really appreciate it :)
- comments
Djoeke So you're gonna find love in... France???
Anita Hey Saske, I mourn with you over Whitney.. Take good care! (if tired go and sleep!)
Anita And beautiful picture; your house with cow.., nice :-)
Krister Hey Saske, What a wonderful time you have there. Pity of the headace, hope you recover soon. Hey enjoy and have fun over there. Greetz also from Marianne
Pieter Haha Djoeke is scherp.. Helemaal goed daar heh.. fijn dat je nu in Maya's oude kamer zit en bravo vooruitgang met practice! Een klein verzoekje zodat makkelijker leesbaar (voor mij) graag een extra witregel voor elke nieuwe dag/alinea.. ik wordt bijna dyslectisch van zoveel letters op een hoop ;-) Dikke zoen!
Pieter haha wilde nog vragen naar de foto met huis en koe en lees net de titel van blog.. koe(l) man!
anne hey sassie, leuk om te lezen hoe het je af gaat daar! Het klinkt allemaal heel relaxed, weinig zaken om je zorgen over te maken, lekker eten, leuk gezeldschap...lucky girl!!! Ik mis jou hoor, zou je graag even een knuffel komen geven. Dikke kus, An
Fleur Hey bikkelst! Hang in there! En geniet! Maar waar is inderdaad jouw liefdes vindplaats nou? ;-)
Wies Wat is dat toch met die veranderende tijden?? ik zou er gek van worden ;) xx
Djoeke Dankje dankje Pieter .. het zit in de familie :P