hey! hey! hey!
sorry for keeping you guys wondering about whats been going on.... i went up to Phnom Penh this last friday to get my passport... only to find out they decide that fridays are the perfect day to not be open for U.S citizens.... what the heck?!?!?! so i did what any other normal and rational person would do.... i came back down to Sihanoukville! I take the early bus again tomorrow morning and hopefully this will be the end to my passport troubles.
Ill be staying there a couple days to figure out where exactly would be the best place for me next ... thinking maybe i should head out to Australia a little sooner than the end of March... so maybe ill do that. Starting to look forward to coming home at the end of May. I say that now... mostly because im exhausted and would give almost anything to be sleeping in a proper bed tonight... instead of a pad on the ground with a mozzie net hanging over me =)
its all about the experiences right?!?!
i have finally burned all pictures to 2 discs that i will be able to upload tomorrow when i get up to Phnom Pehn. I have pictures from Pai still that i havent posted!! ... that was mid january! Sorry this life is so tough! I cant imagine myself sitting in here for hours uploading pictures... when i have this beach right outside... im sure you all understand.
thank you all for the emails (even if i dont get a chance to email you back separately)... really means alot!
until next time
miss you all!!
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