The other day Danny (NY) and Agnes (Austria) who i met while i was in Koh Phangan, showed up at the guesthouse i'm staying in. So nice to see familiar faces. I was able to go to the killing fields and to the prison (s-21) the other day and took over 100 photos. To say the least, it left me spechless. When i finally arrived at the killing fields, i had to sit down and re-group, i had completely lost it. And to think, this had happened less than 30 years ago.
Unfortunately, long story short, my camera was stolen from me yesterday afternoon. Right out of my hands in broad daylight, with people around. I don't reallly want to go into it, but, i've realized, i couldn't have done anything to prevent or stop it. I don't feel rigt completely blaming the man who took it either. It's the poverty that produces these acts and situations. The worst part (the only part i really care about) is i lost all my photos from the last few days, including the prison and killing fields and the kids at the orphanage.
Danny, Agnes and i are taking a 4 hour bus down to Sihanoukville (feel free to look it up under paradise... don't be too jealous). I will be returning to Phonm Penh on tuesday in time to teach that night and will continue teaching until the 22nd. Hopefully when i get back to town, i will be able to go back to s-21 and the fields to tkae pictures again. I just don't know if i can go through it again emotionally.
Teaching is absolutely wonderful. The kids are truly amazing and are teaching me just as much, if not more, than i am teaching them. I am looking forward to coming back on tuesday to see them. Each day i go there, i stop by a market and pick up food or shampoo, combs or toothbrushes... anything really... and take it with me. It is really such a privledge to be there with them.
Danny and Agnes have a few pictures of me with the kids that they are going to give me so i will post those as soon as possible. Talk to you soon.... 153
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