Hi guys!
Well, i cant believe that im actually saying this but this is probably going to be my last journal entry as i fly home on Saturday evening! How mad, the last four months has absolut…
Bonjour my friends!
Well to be honest i am lost for words! We arrived in Christchurch, New Zealand on Sunday afternoon after eventually managing to catch our flight!
Christchurch is a lovel…
After a three hour flight from Cairns we finally arrived in the Famous city of Sydney! It was cold and wet when disembarked the plane which was a shock as our last day in Cairns wa…
Goodday Raa,
It seems not a lot to do in Oz apart from party!! The weather here is sooooo hot, it reached 92 yesterday, Far too hot and humid.
We are still busy and all the animals are well. We have had some really interesting guests and had a good laugh with them.
Anyway take care and don't do anything that I wouldn't do!!!!!
Love Stell XXXXXXX
Hi guys! just a quickie to say that there are a few new journal entries under the 'Queensland' section as thats where i have been and will be for the next couple of weeks so have a gander if you get a chance! Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sara sorry to hear your not feeling well, your right about your own bed it is all you want when your ill, although a fit Australians comes a close second surely! Well the news back home is as follows; Granddad is ok although feet a bit swollen. Jake & Chris have bought him a motorised wheel chair so he goes to the park & comes to my house on it, he goes a bit fast though, it's quite scary, we have made him a ramp but the OT said he needs a more suitable one, death trap where her exact words, opps!. Issy had her singing exam grade 4 which shes quite confident in passing although she wont get results for two weeks, the piano exam didnt go as well as she came out with tears in her eyes and said she completely messed up, well we will have to wait & see. James has a new car a blue Fiesta St Sport (without the 2ltr engine) its lovely. He was at work on Thursday and there was a fire, 2 engines were called, still he got an early day out of it; well they say the mobile phone business is red-hot! Nicole had her end of school prom, she wore a pink dress (hired from a posh shop in marlow) she looked fab. Hayley is back decorating with her dad. Nicola is still missing Trevor he finished with her 4 month ago now, his loss. Issy Hayley Midge Nicola phoebe Laura & Chloe are all going to Spain on Thursday. We have still not put in planning permission for our ugly cottage. Carls little girl Taylor is growing fast she is your second cousin, her & Rachel were at Woodley carnival & they had the same outfits on, white t shirt & pink skirt, they looked so cute together, Rachel is stunning. Bev bought Chris a silk duvet set for his birthday & we joked that he bought her the car (really for him) so she did the same. Have you been following big brother, its a bit crap this year. Well thats the news from me, continue having a great time, it sounds like such an adventure; youre a very luck girl! Or maybe youve just got your head screwed on! Take care love Aunty.
Hi Sara, sounds and looks like your having a great time. Hope your looking after each other! love to you both xx (get my degree result soon- keep everything crossed!)
Hi hun have just looked at pics they are great ! I hope you got my e mail yesterday it took ages to write but the computer kept shutting down ! Try and call me again soon ! :) Take care little Duckie Miss you lots love Chicken xxxxx
WOW!!!! those tunnels look so narrow, it must have been so claustrophobic for all concerned, did you get the NOSTAGALIA feeling??(joke!)
Hi guys! Thanks again for all your messages and keep them coming! Glad to hear you are all enjoying the sun, make the most it while it lasts! We are on Phi Phi island in Thailand at the mo, i have added a new journal entry under the Thailand section so hopefully you can all find it! We are off to Singapore tomorrow so will keep you updated! Take care, Love Sara xxxxxxxx
Hi Raa,
Brill photo's!! Fancy bumping into Gary Glitter (the old boy near the end of the pics) Did he fancy the tongue that keeps popping out??
Glad you look so happy. We have Enid and John staying with us at the mo, Christ, it's like a record, she never stops talking! Super weather here and I now have a nice tan.
Watched the sun go down last eve on the beach with the dogs, sheer bliss! Just off to cook the geriatrics dinner and put in my ear plugs.
Hi Sara, it seems you must of taken note of my last message, as it has been brilliant sunshine since I asked you to send some sun! trouble is we have the unfair disadvantage of having to carry on working, not like some 'ladies of leisure' who can please themselves what they do. It was nice to hear you on the phone earlier today. Anyway I am going to have a look to see if there are any new picys you have posted. Then I am going to the wagon, sit in the garden and have a nice cool beer! Speak soon
Luv Mxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Sara, love the new photos! Sounds like you're having a such a great time, can't believe you've been away for so long already. It's been really hot and sunny here recently at long last! So i have been desperately trying to get a tan so hopefully won't look quite so pale and pasty against you both when you get back, will probably be a lots cause though! Anyway continue to have a brilliant time, miss you lots and lots! Loads of love and hugs, Katie xxxxx
Hi sara, I have already sent you a message via your email so just a quickie to say we had a great time in Venice (although a bit tame compared to your experiences) Where are you venturing next? I have a 'sort of' time table but not very detailed. I phoned Stella it seems she is run off her feet with B&B but Nancy was there to help this time. The weather is rubbish so send us some sun! Its our turn now as it is 'flaming' June next week.
Keep in touch
Luv Mxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sara
I'm sorry to hear its been hectic for you, my heart bleeds! Deal with children on beaches the same way as flies, IE just swat them, I suppose they have to make a living, sad really. The Perfume River sounds nice, what did it smell like? I like the way you say "ONLY a four hour bus ride" to Hoi, travelling the world has desensitised you to long journeys if nothing else. It sound like shopping heaven did being measured up make you feel like posh? I'm sorry to hear about your purse, well it could have been worse; it could have been your kidney, that's what happened to some poor guy in Thailand. Jeb & I went out in Bevs new car last night, I've been dying for a ride so when they turned up in it to pick us up I wall really exited, I've never been in a Porsche before, let alone a brand new top of the range shinny black one, that was the up side the down side was that Chris was behind the wheel & I think he thought he was at Brandshatch! The Journey was nerve wracking to say the least; you don't have the monopoly on dodgy modes of travel you know! although reading your journal over the past weeks your right up there on the top spot!!!! LOL Ive got a riding lesson today & I've got a hangover, not a good combination, I hope they don't allocate me a bouncy horse. We still haven't found an architect, they are a strange breed, I'm quite keen to get the ball rolling, I came back last night & the sitting room curtains had fallen down so maybe that's a sign that we better get a move on. Issy has finished her exams she's practising for her singing & piano exams now, which are in June. James is in Scotland, he drove there with his girlfriend Rebecca, and they are staying for the weekend. You missed a great party at Chris & Bevs, Stevie & Carl had joint 18 & 21st garden party, they had a massive marquee & a DJ, it was such a good night, Stevies outfit was fab I will email you a picture. Well must go, take care lots of love Michelle.
Hi Sara enjoyed your latest entry, it is so professionally written, you could be a travel writer, 5 star accommodation only of course, that sounds good eh? . So maybe it wasn't 3 years of late night s & parties after all. I bet your dads mouth was watering when he read about the sea food. Issy is doing exams at the moment, I have to keep dragging her off of msn, She has cyber boyfriend whos cousins with brittney, yer right! Grandad has had another fall, hes hurt his ribs, I 'm not sure how badly yet as it takes a few days to tell, its a shame because his skin is much better at the moment, hes been diagnosed with soriosis, so at least we know what it is now. Jeb was working in a house this week and the ceiling fell in on him, it's only grazed his nose, (THE GUYS ARE GETTING MILLAGE OUT OF THAT ONE) he thinks his name is chicken lickin!!!! James has a new addition to the house he lives in, a chawowa which is ginger & was left in a dustbin, as it's Damiens dog they are looking for a suitably gay name for it, the other two are Demi the staff, and Harley the rather annoying miniature poodle. We have had lots of rain, which we need. May is usualy such a great month in my experience, it's usually June which is rainy (Wimbledon time). Well better go as i've got a hair nail & tango appointment today, I suppose sleeping with the boss has its advantages. Take lots of care, well it sounds like you need your wits about you, I suppose you get use to it, just like here really only here they rob you on paper in England! lots of love auntie M XXXXXXXX
Stell & Steve
Hi Raa,
What a super time you are having, albeit a few near misses on the way!! looking forward to more pics!!we have some more bookings for June, July, Aug and Sept which is good. Flossie has settled in very well, and enjoys being in the menagerie.
Steve's going to play golf today so |I have got a few hours to myself.
Take care, Love S&S XXXXXXX