Hiya everyone. Ive finally made it all of the way up the East Coat. Im now in Cairns and really enjoying it. Im here for a week so im kinda having a holiday from my holiday. Its hard work this travelling stuff!!
Went on the Whitsundays boat. We were unlucky with the weather as it was cold and rained quite abit. So it spoiled it a little but we still had loadz of fun. The boat was nice, and in the evening we had accomadation on South Mole island which was lovely. Spent the nights drinking too much in the onsite club, playing lots of drinking games. We stopped for snorkelling twice which was good but the water was sooo cold! We then went to the famous whitehaven beach. It was amazing even in the rain. Perfectly white sand!
The night we got back to Airlie beach all of our boat had a massive night out, it was so much fun.Bit crazy because there were 6 irish guys who hadnt stopped drinking for 4 days!! I really loved Airlie, on of my favourite places.
NExt i went to Magnetic island. It was lovely but im starting to have a bit too much beach time now i think. I then went to Mission beach where it rained the whole time i was there but i didnt matter because i was white water rafting anyway!!
Rafting was sooo scary but so much fun. I was luckily the only one who didnt fall out although im still covered in bruises somehow!?! My friend fell out on the first rapid and got caught between the boat and a rock, pretty scary! But she was ok.
I then headed to Cairns which is where im now staying until the 25th. It nice being here becasue im meeting loadz of people who ive met on the way up the coast. I move to Darwin next, its gonna be strange leaving the East Coast, but i cant wait to go somehwhere new.
Its going very quickly now. Less than 3 months and im home!!
Take care everyone and have fun!
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