Sarah and Nicola Matthews' Travels
We are now back from our 3 day adventure on Fraser Island and it was great fun. We were a bit worried when we arrived in Hervey Bay and had our pre-trip briefing as there seemed to be about a million things to remember and the references to Dingoes was not filling me with confidence! However when i met our group i was feeling happier as they all seemed really nice. There were 11 of us in our group and it was comprised of 2 Italian girls, 2 Dutch girls, 1 Canadian Girl and 4 English guys all of which were really nice.
On our first day we had a nice early start as we had to all meet at 5.45am! Feeling a bit bleary eyed we set about checking all our equipment and loading it all into our 4 wheel drive van. Then all 11 of us had to squeeze in so there was definitely not much room for luggage!! Anyway we set of in high spirits towards the ferry. There were 4 groups altogether and unfortunately only 3 of us made it to the ferry as the other group got horrendously lost and ended up 50km away!!
It was really exciting when we eventually got to Fraser Island and set off in our van across the sandy tracks. Being in the back was like a fair ride as we bumped up and down but it was very fun. Our first stop was Lake McKenzie which was an absolutely stunning lake with gorgeous white sand and crystal clear water. We had a nice swim and sunbathe and got some lovely photos.
We then all piled back in our van and drove off towards the beach. It was a beautiful day and the beach was stunning so driving along it was so much fun - I felt like we were from the cast of Baywatch!! We stopped for a few paddles in some fresh water creeks and then stopped to set up camp.
As those who know me well will know I am not usually one to give up my creature comforts to experience the great outdoors but i did feel immensely proud of me and Caroline after we put up our tent!! We then took a lovely walk along the beach to an old ship wreck and watched the sunset which was really beautiful.
We had set up camp with another team so we all cooked a bbq and sat around drinking together which was nice. The only thing I wasn't so keen on was the dingoes that were wandering around the place trying to see if we had left any food around - which we hadn't because we were too scared of getting a hefty fine from the rangers!!
The next day after a fairly uncomfortable night in the tent (who would have thought that sand could be so hard - it was like concrete!!) we set off driving along the beach again. We went to Indian head and got some gorgeous views, we even saw some turtles and sharks swimming around. We then took a drive back Eli Creek where the boys had a swim whilst us wimpy girls sat in the van because it was raining!
That night there was an almightly rain storm, luckily it was after we had all gone to bed for the night but it definitely was not a comfortable nights sleep as we tried to avoid the water running into the tent.
On our final day we went to Lake Wabby which is a lovely lake completely surrounded by sand. The sand dunes seemd to stretch forever and the sand was so white - I felt like i had stepped into the Sahara desert! There was a really steep bank in to the lake so everyone was running down it in to the lake. It was lovely to have a swim after 2 days with no shower!! Luckily I didn't find out until after I had finished my swim that there were massive catfish in the lake!!
We then had to return to the mainland but we all had an amazing time and we finished off last night with a big group dinner as we all said goodbye to each other. We also bumped in to our friends from Surfers and Brisbane in the hostel last night which was great.
We are absolutely shattered today after 2 uncomfortable nights in a tent and I never would have thought I would be so happy to see a hostel bed and a horrible hostel shower!!
We have got loads of photos to put on the site which hopefully we will get a chance to do tomorrow.
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