Hello! So still in Brisbane, we have now sorted a place to live!
Its a little house in the West End of Brisbane which is good for places to eat, should be easy to get a job near by and its not far away from the Valley (drinks central!). We all are sharing a room though, and we share with another 2 boys in one room and there is a spare room at the mo, but it only costs $95 a week each which includes bills so we are paying 6 pound a day to live there. There are 2 tv rooms and kitchen bathrrom etc and a liitle deck outside with sofsa on where you can chill, have bbqs etc. We arent tied to a lease either so if we dont like it we can leave and find somehere else. But its a starting off point so now we can get sim cards sorted and a job and be on out way to earning a wage!
Having a good time here - havent met many australians yet bit we can in hostels so its hard, we have met some nice folk in out dorm room though. Brisbane is not too busy - be nice to stay here for next 6 months neat family just an hour or so away too so thats nice.
Anyway I will def put pics up soon - I know its way overdue!! Hope everyone is fine, will blog again soon!
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