Hey there Sarah!! Glad you're not dead! Sorry i haven't posted anything before, been too lazy, but I just read that you're gonna be in Vietnam at some point, when!? I've been here several weeks, and'll be kickin about for a couple more!! I'm in Hanoi today, but then out to Sapa for a couple of days, thn slowly journeying back down the coast to HCMC. Drop us an Email or somethin
Nan L.
Lindy Mitchell
Hi Sarah,
I am so pleased to hear that you are getting better! Your Mum's been incredibly worried about you as has the rest of the family. I wish there could have been some way to reach you in the hospital. It must have been very frightening for you there alone. You must be half the size you were by now. We have also had a fright with Tom. i think Lee may have told you about his accident? He fell on a soccer ball and couldn't move his neck! It was a really scarey time as well but he is fine now. He is suffering from a pulled muscle in his neck. Everyone else is fine. Stevi is still at Supre and finding the long hours tiring. I hope you have a fantastic time in Vietnam you certainly deserve it! Let the good times roll! Lots of love Lindy stevi and Tom xxx ps: Can't wait to see you when you get home!
Rob Beattie
Dear Sarah,
Sorry to hear that you have been so sick in Switzerland. Salmonela b food poisoning is no fun wherever you are, let alone so far from family and friends. We were so glad to hear that you are on the mend - Lee was just about to hop on the plane! Your blog is a great idea and will be fantastic for you yourself to read over in coming years. There will be a time when amoebic dysentery does not seem so bad! I'm not suggesting that you try to catch it in Vietnam but you've only had two illnesses so far and things come in threes! As long as you come home in one piece......
Allis well here apart from the weather which has gone haywire - the winds are dreadful - we have had snow on the mountain most of last week etc. Off to Imogen's 3rd birthday party in an hour or so. Chris and Mel have bought a new home at Dulcot (near Richmond) and are moving there on 9-11-07. Fran and Dion have moved to Umina (one hour north of Sydney) and are enjoying the sea-change. Fran is 3 months pregnant and was thrilled to see a very active little bub on ultrasound yesterday. She will come to Hobart for the delivery in April.
Viv and I have plans for the Grey Nomad 3 month trip around North-West Australia in mid 2008. I retire from work on 21-12-07 - time is going very slowly for me at present!
Happy travelling from now on.
Nan L.
Hi Sass,
So sorry you had to go through all that without us holding your hand.
Mum was in a turmoil of indecision about whether to jump on the next plane or not.
Mainly because if she went she couldn't have come back on the same plane with you anyway, and wouldn't have been here for days after you got home.
Still, all's well that ends well (as i think someone else may have said).
I'm glad you went to a nice place. And i wouldn't worry about the chocolate. Reckon you could use some fattening up.
Hope the stay with the rellies goes well in holland.
We all really miss you - especially when you were sick and we couldn't be with you.
I've had an op. on my eyes a week ago , and they are still a little blurry - so forgive any typos, please. Nearly better now.
Will say guten nachten (great spelling?) lol
Love and hugs,
Nan xx
Hey guys!! Thanks heaps for your messages, it is great to hear from you!! Lots of love and sorry for the lack of personal responses, internet time is limited!!! xxx
HOPE YOU'RE HAVING FUN!!!!!!! SENDING MUCH LOVE!!!! DON'T WANT TO TAKE UP TOO MUCH PRECIOUS SUNNY SPAIN TIME!!!! Also don't know why that's all in capitals… maybe I feel like I need to yell because you're so far away...? oh well.Just a quick message to say hey and take care of yourself with all the parties and beaches and pools and cocktail drinks with little umbrellas (surely you have them!) it must be taking it out of ya! :p any way I won't keep you, we'll talk lots when you get back! Love from rosy too! xoxo
Nan L.
Hi darling,
Only one week to go! Wow!
Glad the work's not so hard now.
What a multi-cultural menage you are! Sounds like great fun!
The hippy market sounds interesting, too. I'd love to come with you. Don't go buying any 'hippies' though. They're not so good at sharing expenses! *groan*
Are you having a 'farewell' party? Could be dangerous!
Lots of love to you - and keep in touch-
Nan L. xxooxx
hey jayne!
did u get my email the other day? please write back if u did! love u a miss u xoxoxoxox
Hi darling,
What a disappointment! I thought you'd be so expert in ironing you'd be delighted to do all mine for me when you came home! LOL. No??
Sounds as though it may be a little TOO 'character building' at the moment. Isn't there anything else you could do in that great big resort? The sunsets sound marvellous! Lots of photos?
Lovely to be making friends from around the world, like that. The sangrias sound good!
No more news from here since last night - except that the mountain is COVERED in snow and there are floods all over the place (not in sunny Sandy Bay or Kingston/Blackmans Bay, though. Has been raining buckets for the last couple of days. Sunshine today.
Take care darling - if you need money send e-mail to us all and give the laundry the flick!