Hola Chica!Sounds like you are having a ball and I am so jealous! Staying on a tropical island that was built to cater for the ridiculously rich! (did check out the web link, very exotic) Congrats on the job too! By the way got you txt at 5:30am the other day!!! Time difference my dear!Well life down here is not all that exciting, in fact quite boring, on a job hunt myself as I cannot stand working in a call centre any longer... at least the outbound telemarketers get to ring people and bug them, I just sit there and wait for people to call and complain about the telemarketers!Anyway, better let you get back to enjoying your adventure J and if you have any troubles with the Spanish feel free to send me a message to pass on to mum! We'll have to have dinner or something when you get back and you can tell me everything! And if I'm not here you just have to stop off in Melbourne on your way home, can't hurt to extend your holiday a couple more days!Lots of love Jess xoxo
Nan L.
Certainly looks like you've made some fun friends!
What piercing???? Where???? lol
At least it's obvious;y not ALL hard work! Don't like the sound of a whole month witout a day off though.
Think I told you everything this morning. So I'll take myself off to bed - I work tomorrow night and the next day till 2.30pm. Need to build up the old resources!
You take care, darling - and have fun. (??. Mutully exclusive? Nah!)
love and hugs,
Nan.L. xx
Nan L.
Hi darling.
Thrilled to hear that you have a job - and in such a lovely place! Hope the steamy (?) laundry doesn't get to you - don't suppose people get "washer-woman's" hands any more! lol
Free accom. sounds great! Are your housemates fun?
Sass, this rotten govt. of ours has brought in a new law that no one can enrol after the election is called. There is talk that it may be called in the next week because it has to be so many weeks before the election.
Just thinking - if you haven't done it - you may need to organise absentee (overseas) vote and enrolment. Ask Soren or Mum.
Ash's birthday tomorrow - we're all going down for tea. We'll miss you, darling.
Must go to work - worked last night too. Raining here, and foggy - so I'd better get moving.
Big hugs and kisses -
Nan xxxxx
Hi Sarah...its Loch from China.
Well just to say that we are all envious of your big adventure and know that you will do it in true Sarah style!
Here I went to the Great Wall and Summer Palace last weekend...fist big outing but not as adventurous as you!
Kerry will be joining me around September and Jamie hopefully for a visit then as well...but have to get to know the 1.3 trillion people who live around here in the meantime!!
Let me know if your big adventure has you coming by China ok ...and thanks for sharing all on your site...just perfect!
Stay safe and be good!!
Love Loch
Hay sarah the photos are fanastic!
I have been talking with ruth over email, she is sounding great, hope you are too. Enjoy...
Love suzie
Ps your photo board is such a great idea, I think I am going to create one too, as I keep locking up everyones email boxes with photos!
Hi sis,
Sounds like you are having fun, partying hard, adopting strange eatting habits, meeting fun and interesting people and thoroughly enjoying yourself. Excellent to hear!! So why are you the one that lucks out with getting the floor as a bed? I bet the pasta at midnight and vegemite at 2:00am is fuel for some more interesting than usual dreams. That wallet is a bit of an issue with its near walkabouts - a piece of elastic would do the trick. Keep enjoying yourself, have no regrets, know there are people green with envy back in Oz and that we love you very much. Be safe. Love, Gaib xx
Ps. Grey, gloomy and wet day here in Brissie.
sarah! You must be having so much fun! have you found a place to live yet or are you calling the gutter home? I love the photos of your adventures. Your hair is looking super chic. How do you manage to be so glamorous when you are living out of one giant, presumably battered backpack? I want all your secrets... Everytime I try and imagine how incredible it must have been to do the trekking thing in Nepal, and go it alone in europe mybrain overloads. It must be so amazing/beautiful/inspiring/bring your life into focus-ing. Missing you so much. And desperately wanting to hear all your stories! love fran ps. I was very glad to hear in your gorgeous postcard (thankyou so much for that) that you have not broken our sordid arrangement and have remained faithful. I imagine it must be extremely difficult in beautiful europe, but stay strong...
Hey everyone - I only just realised that I had messages! Thanks heaps for the love - I suddenly feel so happy!! I have put photos from Byron Bay, Nepal and France on the site in the photo section (fancy that!!). So if you've got a free minute, check it out! Many more to come!
Cheers, Sarah x
Hi Sis,Glad to hear that you're getting some work, as exhausting as it does sound! I hope that something permanent comes up soon, with generous rich ppl on board, to help with the cash flow! I'm sorry to hear about Giardia, it's a pretty nasty bug. I met the beast in Hanoi; medicate up on the antibiotics (the right one - can't remember off the top of my head - let me know if you want me to check it out) and you should be right. I finished work yesterday and have three weeks holidays before heading off and starting work in Vietnam... exciting indeed! Don't forget about the option of a stop-over on your way home (free accommodation, cheap food!).Can't think of more to write, the cold and wet Canberra weather has dampened my mind (plus I am on holidays so have forgotten everything). Pleeeease post some pics! A culinary segment describing your favourite dish would also go a long way to making us envious...Enjoy the summer sunshine,Love Christina
Hi darling,
Lovely to hear from you! Are you really, seriously all alone in that big, strange country? Worry, worry. lol.
Sounds like you are having a fabulous experience over there. Hard work, too. Glad you've escaped those naked men in the bathroom! lol
Kerry and I are in Adelaide with Scott and Drew. Have seen 4 shows - and the big Louvre Egyptian exhibition.
Gotta go - Drew's waiting to drive us down to his sister's seaside cafe.
Love you, darling!
Nan xx
Hello Sarahl!!Looks like travelling is treating you well. How are you coping with the crowds? Are there any there? If they are anything like London, its just crazy?everyone I come across loves France, Paris, I think I will have to go?soon! You honestly sound like your having a ball, well all of you are?and what's this carp about cleaning toilets with tooth picks and god knows what? you would want to be paid well for that! But hay no need for anyone to worry about yah with those naked footballers everywhere! ;0) I am off to Spain for £40 for 3 days in 4 weeks, cant believe it can you, again madness, the boys are headed off to Berlin for a bucks night so the girls are off to Spain to live in up on the beach. I was actually supposed to go to France to see a vet I used to work for, but the tour de France is on, and its sooooooo expensive its not funny?.but I will get there, one day! Africa in August I think! I hope, depends on work really, hard to get a good job that pays well, everyone wants you for peanuts! It is London after all. Anyway if you grab a cheap flight at any stage and come over for a weekend, don't forget you can come stay with me! The house is great, but the areas if dodgy, and I mean dodgy?so be prepared, shocked me a bit at first, but we have a great place and a backyard and a bbq!!!!!Hugs and love Suzie
Hey Bakker! How is France? are you still there ? Are you boat working as yet? I will arrive in London the 10th Sept, exciting exciting, staying a week i think and want to head to brighton in that week! Will you be there anytime during that? Doing the UMAT soon, fingers crossed - am doing a workshop to see if that helps, or if i really just have no ability to be a doctor, ha. Well i bet you are having a wondering time, hope that the money is holding out, and i loved the postcard :)! Missing you xox