So its taken me quite a while to find a computer that will let me open up this site to update my trip...such a lot has happened.
Went to the Pantanal, which is bascially tonnes of marshlands and water with lots of wild animals and birds to see. It was so damn hot there that we slept in hammocks for 2 nights which was lovely.
Saw so much wildlife: deers, caiman, tucans, water rats, howler monkeys, armadillo, parrots, water spiders, snakes, racoon type animals, paranah etcetc.
Our first evening we went on a night walk and the local tour guides caught a caiman for us to hold, cant wait to get the photos on for you all to see.
The next day we went paranah fishing IN the water, which was a bit nerving at first, but actually really enjoyable-anything to cool down. we managed to catch a few and I also caught another fish which were cooked up later for us to eat. In the afternoon after the fishing we went on a horse ride through the marshlands to see more wildlife. It was insane, the horses went right into the water upto the top of their legs so we were all a bit wet and smelly, but it was definately an experience.
The next morning we did a walk through the waters with all the wild creatures around us and this time we waded through the waters. It was so hot that the water felt like a bath, but a bit more murky.
We had a campfire on our lastnight there with a bit of a singsong unfortunately it was so hot that there were thjousands of mosquitos. Luckily I didnt get too bitten but some of the others really suffered.
We left the farm and went back to the lodge for our lastnight in the Pantanal where we went on a boat trip and had a swim in the waters.
One of the tour giudes there made me and 3 of my friends necklaces firstly from a flower in the watewr which unfortunately died, but also another one with teeth of animals, so I have a wild boars tooth.
It was an adventure filled few days and I felt like Indianna Jones treking and being one with nature
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