well having had enough of punta del este (it gets boring very quickly), we left there last saturday night, we were with the manager of the hotel Carlos and got drunk, we convinced him to quit his job in the middle of the night, and we all legged from the hotel. The hotel was an over priced crazy place. He took us to his Dads, who wasnt impressed that his son had turned up with some tramps in the middle of the night. It was really embarassing, we got an icy reception and we felt like we were 12. We sat on the lawn trying to get a cab with a million bags between us.
We are still with Carlos, we travelled up North to a beautiful place called Cabo Polonio, his 3 friends who are in a band have joined us, MArtin, Juan y Javier, we have rented a cottage metres from the sea, its beautiful, no cars allowed, no electricity, running around screaming like mental patients with candles thru out the night
s xxxxx
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