Hedonic Escapist
Dear London,
We need to talk.
I like it in the morning when you wake me up with a soft warm kiss, your sweet warm hugs through out the day make me smile.
But I just can't stand the way you tease me. Dont love me and then suddenly turn cold on me. I dont like it when you go all grey and gloomy. I never see it coming.
Stop going hot and cold on me, I just don't know what to do. You made water run down my face, London, I just wasn't prepared and sometimes you are so hot it burns me.
You hurt me, London, you hit me so hard I turned pink.
I'm sorry,
but I'm leaving you for Paris.
- comments
ジュリーガーナー I'm really hurt. I feel personally offended that you are talking smack to the love of my life, London. Hahaha... sorry London is slightly bipolar sometimes. But I can not wait to hear about what you think of Paris. DOn't let the Dog poo that no one ever picks up deter you. (You'll see what I mean in a little bit haha....)
Mum They say it's the way... the early love is the strongest. Europe has a lot to compete with to top your atraction to Japan. But, let it try...