Welcome to Trijillo I'm sure it was ment to be but we arrived at 4:45am. We got to the hotel at 5:20am extremely lucky for us we could get our room and sleep till 9:30am. We calmly ate our breakfast to some odd entertainment, a crazy little dog ripping apart pooh bear!! Made for an interesting conversation. This place was nice but odd, it only really had cold water and the cable was going to be fixed the day after we leave, just the usual.
We walked from here into the plaza de Armas and a lunch of lentil and entrail soup. i never want to eat this stuff again. I really struggle with this 'dish'. We walked the pedestrian street and around for a while, including printing which it turns out we were extremely funny to the worker here. it was all to much so we just walked home. We relaxed, did some Spanish practice and not much more......Other than chicken for dinner that we ate on the floor with our hands as its all we had. To explain this we looked at the meals on offer from the hotel and they only had a few from the menu available. We thought we'd go for a small walk and return to get some roast chicken from them. On the way we found all the things from the menu, the permanently closed shops were the menu items not avaliable anymore, and the chicken was a very inflated price of one in the shop. We decided to get it here as the extra 70% they charge must be the one minute walk and maybe cutlery.
It was funny when Sarah locked us both out of our bathroom, both of us all covered in chicken and greasy and the room smelling like contraband chicken, planning out next move.
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