With Sarah back to not feeling 100%, we headed into Trinidad for some shopping and sightseeing. This way it was a relaxed entrance into activities again. The town has a lot of character and maintains an old town feel. We were located on the edge of the town so walking in gave a good appreciation of life for the people. There was a small van that brewed beer just over the train tracks on the way out of town, where after work the locals would bring their own vessels (glasses, cups, jugs but mostly a soft drink bottle with the top cut off) to be filled and get merry. After the tracks were butchers, bakery's and dairy shops, all open at select times of day to sell fresh. The closer we walked the more casa's we passed with rooms, the more souvenir stalls and places for snacks. When we made it to the centre there were people selling anything they could.
We went for a 'tower top view' of the city, so we went up a very small spiral staircase, constantly hunched over. The view was great, all of the city and a view to the beach. On top of that we had it to ourselves for a while before reluctantly heading down.
We looked around the city, through the parks and along the streets. At one point we got very sidetracked taking photos of lizards that stand still pretending you can't see them.
We bought most of the items that we will send home including, the cigar box and holder, the humming bird, the statues, the wooden faces for the wall and two Cuban hats. The best part was a guy who wanted to swap the souvenirs for my sunglasses. Come to think of it, sunglasses were harder to find than I thought.
One thing to be careful of, holes in the pavement..... Or the road or anywhere. Sarah was walking along without a care in the world when she fell down a hole, perfect length for her foot. It was lucky as any earlier, later or if the hole was smaller there would have been big problems.
We returned home, greeted by a glass of ice cold juice again! I love this family.
The grandfather took us aside to tell us stories and at one point got me so I could watch tv with him (mans time) while tea was being cooked.
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