Life in Oz!
5am is really early to get up. I managed to get ready, pack and be at the bus stop just before 6am. Our tour guide came and picked us up right at the Uni so our tour started right from the beginning. We headed up towards the biggest sand island in the world, Fraser Island. We were on a 4-wheel drive bus that held 38 people. I went with Joanna, Kate, Fallon, Karen and Matilda. Our tour guide was Matt, he was funny and wanted to make sure we had a great time on the trip. Our first stop was near Inskip Point where we got our morning tea of coffee, juice, tea and cake. We went to Inskip point to get onto the barge that took us over to Fraser, once we got to the point we were off-roading, everything was sand. Matt let us get off the bus as we were going over on the barge so we could get a better view of the island; it took about 5-10 minutes to get across. The island is on the World Heritage list which means it is protected. There are no paved roads, everything is kept as natural as possible, which is the great part about it. We got on the island during high tide so we had to take an inland road for a while until we could get back on 75-mile beach. Our first wildlife spotting was on the inland road; there was a brown snake on it so Matt stopped and told us about it. The 75-mile beach was just that too, 75-miles of beautiful sand beach looking out into the ocean. 75-mile beach is a national motorway so regular road rules apply. We stopped a few places along the beach so he could show us random things that we passed. He showed us where a crab colony had been, an area covered with little balls of sand. He also warned us about the Blue Bottles scattered all over the beach. They are a type of Jelly Fish, they are fairly small and if you get stung it will burn for a while but nothing serious. We stopped at Eurong Beach Resort where we would be staying for the night so Matt could fill up his water jugs so we could refill our bottles throughout the day. We were then off to Lake Wabby which was just up the beach from the resort. It was about a 2K walk from where the bus had to stop until the lake. The first Kilometre wasn't bad; it was through the forest. It was pretty but hard to enjoy the view because you had to focus on where you were walking. The first half of the walk was nothing, after the forest was a Huge sand blow. It looked like we were trekking across the desert, and felt like it too. It was really hot and the sand made it difficult to walk. The view was beautiful though. The sand blows move across the island and slowly engulf the forest so the outer edges of the blow had trees, which looks funny and seems weird that trees are growing in all of that sand. We eventually made it to the lake after the seemingly endless sand blow. The lake is below a huge hill of sand, which gave us an awesome view of the lake and the forest behind it. We definitely deserved a swim after that, we wanted to jump right in but it was cold. The lake isn't very wide so we decided to swim across and it didn't talk long to warm up. We had a while to swim and then Matt gave us some history of the lake and we all introduced ourselves. There was a group of people there not with our group that decided to lay down and hold onto their friends' feet in front of them and roll down the hill. They didn't make it very far connected but it was quite amusing to watch. Another person on a less steep part of the hill laid on a surfboard down the hill; he actually made it into the water. We took a different trail back to the bus, it was all forest but the first part was all up hill and it was about a 3K walk. It was pretty as well but again we had to focus on where we were walking so we didn't trip on anything. once we all made it out of the forest Matt congratulated us on our nearly 5K journey to Lake Wabby and back. It was definitely worth the walk. We then headed back to Eurong Beach Resort for lunch. It was a buffet in the Beach Bar. We all enjoyed our fish, sausage and salads lunch, although we were all hungry enough we would have eaten anything given to us. We had a few minutes to relax and just as we were supposed to get on the bus Matt told us a spark plug blew on the bus and he would be right back after he got it fixed. This gave us plenty of time to get some ice cream and look around the general store/gift shop. We also saw a parrot in one of the trees and were able to get a few pictures. Matt came back and said they couldn't find it so we were going to head to Lake McKenzie and switch buses when we got there. We tried heading up a hill and didn't make it so we had to go back and wait for another bus to come to us. This gave us lots of time to go for a swim in the resort pool and check into our rooms which we weren't going to do until we got back later in the arvo. The rooms were 4-share, I was in a room with Joanna, Fallon and Kate. The rooms were bigger than I expected. They had 2 bunk beds, a couch, kitchen area and a bathroom. Once the other bus got to the resort it was almost 4pm so we didn't have time to go to the rainforest and Lake McKenzie so we headed straight to the lake. It was absolutely beautiful. Pictures definitely do not do it justice. The white sand beach, crystal clear water and forest in the background take your breath away. The water here was chilly as well but you warmed up fast once you started swimming around. Matt caught us a turtle to look at and told us the sand was a good exfoliant for your skin and also a good toothpaste. I exfoliated but skipped brushing my teeth. The lake has a pH level of 3.4 and is supposed to be really good for your hair. Since we got to the lake so late I was hoping we would get to see the sunset but we were on the wrong side of the island so it was behind the forest. Just as we were about to leave it started to drip a little but and an awesome rainbow came out, we could almost see the entire arch. A Dingo also came! It was our first sighting so everyone got pretty excited. He didn't seem to care that we were there and came very close to all of us. They are used to people but are still wild animals and there are danger signs posted everywhere warning people to stay away and not feed them. We had about a 15-20K drive back through the forest back to the resort we couldn't see much though because it was dark. We got back and had a wonderful meal of tacos and apple crumble for desert. He said it wasn't part of the tour but Matt took us down to the beach to show is the stars. It was somewhat cloudy but we were able to see the Southern Cross and Southern Pointers. We then walked around on the beach and enjoyed the night view. We didn't stay down there long because Fallon accidentally stepped on a Blue Bottle and it stung her ankle. Four or five people ended up getting stung by the Blue Bottles. They iced the sting and put vinegar on it to make the pain go away. Once Fallon felt better we headed to the bar where they had a cross dressing theme party. We were all really tired so we stayed long enough for Kate and Joanna to have a drink and we headed back to our room and crashed.
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