Today was a long but interesting day. I ventured out for breakfast with these Danish girls who were at reception and we couldn't find anywhere decent. We walked through what looked like basic market stall that sold live frogs, crabs, clothes, worms, black eggs. All sorts of weird things! We ended up at a supermarket and the girls tried the local food. I opted out as it looked rank!! 2 of the girls had giant pancake on a hot plate and the man cracked an egg in and put veg, cracker stuff, and some dark brown sauce. The other girl had these pork and veg ball and some shrimp thing in a plastic bag. I didn't know what to have and ended up with a bunch of bananas, 2 oranges and a packet of ritz crackers. Totally decided I was going to starve in China, I actually felt sad at the thought of it.
After going back to the hostel, changing rooms and booking my sleeper trains to my next destination, I went and got the subway to The Forbidden city and Tienemen square. Funny story! So I forgot I had my stanley knife in my bag and on the way down to the subway I saw a sign that said security check no knives etc! I totally hid my knife in my bra and prayed all day that I didn't beep through the numerous metal detectors. Suprisenly I didn't. Jheeze. Really didn't want to part with that little beauty. Also didn't fancy being arrested.
The forbidden city was amazing! I walked round for hours by my self listening to the guide talk on the fancy gps audio guide I rented out. Such a beautiful place. I made some more friends on the way to the square and tagged along with them for a bit. 2 men from America and one of their daughters. They were really nice people! One of them lives in Shanghai and can speak Chinese!
I totally caved when I got back to my area and had McDonald's which was sooo cheap! £1.60 for a meal. I was not going to starve after all! In the evening I met the Danish girls again and we went walking down the Hutongs and shared an amazing meal. I now have more faith in Chinese food. Chicken wings, rice and noodles. £3 each!! I must say my chopstick skills are improving. The man tried to help me haha
Tomorrow : The Great Wall of China!!!
- comments
Aunty jue Ha ha ha Didn't fancy s bit of fried frog or crispy worms !!!!! Be brave give them a go Mc Donald's - terrible You tourist . Keep making back packer mates Keep safe and enjoy Love you xxxxx
Sharron Aaaaw Sanchez this made me smile!