I made it to Beijing! So far so good. The taxi to the hostel was pretty easy apart from the fact the guy didn't know where it was at first. I even gave him a Chinese address. He had to ask his phone where it was and it gave him directions, few. The Chinese cars are so safe - they have seat belts with no where to plug them into too and they obviously drive really quick while they are on their phones and they are dodging the bikes haha.
My hostel seems orite. They didn't have a single room left so gave me a double for the night. Which is clean so I'm happy.
Once I'd freshened up and sorted out my bag I went down to try and find food. Their was a guy at the computer, he looked European so I asked him if their were any good places. He didn't know so I asked if he wanted to go and eat somewhere and that's how I made my first "friend" haha. He was from Iceland and was travelling for 9 months and was stopping over in Beijing to go to Korea tomorrow. We walked up and down the streets dodging the cars that like to drive when theirs a green man and eventually settled for a place after I was being really picky. It's so hard because nothing is in English and no one can speak English! I had chicken fried rice and he had pork noodles thing. I tried to ask the staff if it was just chicken but they didn't understand so I went for it and it was actually nice, I tried to avoid actually eating the chicken chunks though (not sure why). I also found out that I'm not too bad at chopsticks but I have to improve as I think it's the only option to eat your food with!! I was like wahhh no forks at all!
Beijing reminds me of London so far, big buildings, big posters, bill boards and lots of shops. We saw a few people dancing in the street which I think must be an exercise class.
It's actually 2am here, I just woke up. I think I'm really jet lagged but I will try and get some more sleep. Tomorrow I have a free walking tour around Beijing and I will explore the Forbidden City.
I will update when I can as the Internet is soooo dodgy out here. They block everything! Whatsap works fine though but no Instagram for me (yet)!
Bye byeeee x
- comments
Mum Sounds like you are settling in just fine. I'm sure you are going to have an amazing adventure meeting like minded new friends seeing wonderful new places and experience new cultures and new ideas have fun stay safe and enjoy every moment I am so proud of you Sanchez ! Love you xxx love mum xxx
Aunty jue That is brilliant San San So glad you've started to make some back packer mates Get lots of pictures .... Wise choice not to eat the meat It might bark at you !!!!!! Keep safe Love you xxxxx