I just came from Thailand where I explored a new culture and a different life and then I arrived in Brisbane where I felt a bit disappointed because of this west, europe and clean appearance and so painful expensive place. And it is a city! Anyway I made good and bad experience for my life.
In Thailand it was actually more easy to find a place to stay for the night. Here it is terrible, because it is crowded of backpackers and you need to book a lot in advance. Where is my spontaneity I thought. Once I really struggeld with finding a place to sleep for the night because every hostel was booked out and I got really worried. Then imagend the worsed case that I might not find a Hostel and might sleep on the street. When I accepted this thought, I lost my fear and felt so much better - in the end I found a really nice hostel and made a good friend there.
Meanwhile I am travelling more into the north of Australia to do kanuing trips, get surfing experience, hiking in national parks and lonley beaches. You are never alone! I meet people from all countries (but too many Germans) on the street, in busses and of cause in hostels.
Some Australians are really crazy - loud and just crazy!
The nature is incredibly. Trees are so big and having funny roots. Birds are making crazy noises. Places where you would guess crocodiles (for instants in a river) there are swimming bull sharks. And where you would be more affraid of sharks (in the sea) there are crocodiles in fact. Weird! Have seen kangaroos and a banda bear, a brown snake and heaps of lizards.
So, so far so good - except of the part that everything is so expensive! It's always a pain in the as!
- comments
Brigitta "The bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, also known as the Zambezi shark or unofficially Zambi in Africa and Nicaragua shark in Nicaragua, is a shark commonly found worldwide in warm, shallow waters along coasts and in rivers. The bull shark is known for its aggressive nature, predilection for warm shallow water, and presence in brackish and freshwater systems including estuaries and rivers. The bull shark can thrive in both saltwater and freshwater and can travel far up rivers. They have even been known to travel as far up the Mississippi River as Illinois, and in the Ohio River, [2] although there have been few recorded freshwater attacks. They are probably responsible for the majority of near-shore shark attacks, including many attacks attributed to other species." That`s what Wiki says about bull sharks, my dear Jiji, so its not that much amazing to meet them in rivers. (Didn`t know that before!) Be careful please and don`t share the swimming and surfing area with them :-) :-( So nice to read your first report from Australia. Looking forward to your photos from the outback. Love, your mother