Well we are back in Santiago and we realise that the past seems to be repeating itself. But in a slightly different way.
Way back when the Camino was literally choked with pilgrims from far and wide, hospitals as we know them today, were the covents and monasteries of old. The doctors and nurses were the nuns and monks. Their Orders were the administrators and managers pushing forth a particular belief or philosophy. And pilgrims then, as now, relied on them to help them through their pains and ills.
All along the Camino, there are many places just called Hospital because of the past that they had. Fast forward to today and we realise that our Camino and pilgrimage has yet to end. We too have used the medical knowledge that the new "nuns and doctors" have. And we too have know the inside of these new "convents and monasteries".
On Saturday night after we got back from Porto and had had some supper, Ing was suffering from some very very severe abdominal cramps on her left side, including her shoulder. At the hospital, she was given a muscle relaxing drug injection. After a few hours she was much better. Just a little tender as you are from an intense cramp.
Ing started taking the drugs that she was prescribed the next morning. But what happened was that the drug caused a tiny hole in her stomach wall. The hole was only 1 - 2mm wide, but over the course of Sunday day and night and some of Monday, she had 2litres of gastric fluid leak into her abdominal cavity. The pain was intense because the air and fluid has nowhere to go and starts to put pressure on all the other organs. So her belly became very big and bloated.
We joked that this was what being pregnant and giving birth must be like! Complete with pain, s*** and wee and tears of pain and frustration! Who else but us would get a practise run at being pregnant?!
The only way to fix the problem was through surgery. Hence the emergency surgery at 01h00 last night. Initially the doctor had no idea that it was the stomach that had the problem. A variety of other scenarios were put forward, but we caught the problem early so there should be no further medical problems.
After three hours of key hole surgery, she is now in critical care post-surgical recovery. She has three abdominal drains, a nasal-gastric feeding tube and a IV cocktail of painkillers and antibiotics. She should be out of there tonight or tomorrow and then into the general wards. She will be in hospital for about 7 to 10 days. About a month´s time, she will need to see a specialist to ensure all is well.
The doctor was very impressed at how well she handled the whole medical procedure. It took 13litres of fluid to clean out her abdominal cavity and ensure there would be no ensuing infections. He remarked how tough and strong she is and how well she handled it! She is as tough as old Army boots! Or old pilgrim boots!
But obviously, all onward plans will need some serious revision and thought. I will be in contact as soon as I can with ideas, thoughts, revisions.
So with us in Santiago for the immediate future, all plans like drinks, dinners, braais and get togethers will have to be put on hold. For the time being anyway. We are so sorry as we were both looking very forward to seeing everybody over the course of the next couple of days! But rest assured, we will get those plans back in place.
If it is one thing that the Camino de Santiago teaches, it is patience. Every destination is reached by taking just one step after another!
Elaine - happy happy birthday for the 9th. Happy iPodding! Ing will laugh when I tell her about your new "hearing aid"!
If it was any easier, would it be worth it?
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