We have now arrived in Sasakwa, and are currently sitting in the cottage after lunch, which was delicious. Flying from Nairobi to Tanzania didn't take long, although we had two stops on the way. Because they drop you off at the lodge, you need to stop at an actual airport earlier, so you can clear customs before entering Tanzania. The next stop was to pick up some other passengers who were on their way to Kilmanjaro. The plane kind of would pick people up, drop other passengers off, then pick up some more kind of thing. Each stop might have been anything from 2 hours to ten minutes between. We had quite a surprise flying over the plains today and seeing a herd of zebra as we were coming in to land.
Today we already have had a swim, in a nice warm pool, and we are going for an evening safari later. We could see elephants in the distance out the window earlier.
Apparently the annual migration of animals was earlier this year, because the early rains threw them off, but are expected to come back in the next month or so. We are assured there are still really good animals around to see at the moment though. During lunch a monkey jumped up on someone elses table, causing a woman to scream. It was a good reminder to lock your doors if you leave the cottage so that monkeys can't get in. Closing the doors isn't enough, because the monkeys can open them.
- comments
Dad Monkeys sound worse than little brothers Georgia! Glad you are finally there and have had a swim. Love Dad
Kate taylor Those monkeys are as cunning as Honey! Don't let them knick off with your camera. What an adventure you are on.... The plane sounds like it functions as a bus service kind of. Bet the swim felt good. Hope you have been remembering to take your anti-malaria tabs. Munster is missing you... Actually I think he is jealous that you are off admiring bigger cats. He bit me twice on the calf this morning.... Before breakfast! Take lots of photos for us sweetheart. Missing you Mumxxxx
Mary and Barry Great to experience a different kind of airline timetable! I guess seeing animals in the wild and unrestrained must be kind of weird at first. I have heard that monkeys can give a nasty bite too so another reason to not get too close and personal. Enjoy all that warm weather and swims and take plenty of photos xx Granny and Papa
B Sounds magical - so different to anywhere else. Love your photos & what a thrill to see a herd of zebra. will read on to your most recent blogs. Luv B
Christina Hello Georgia its your godmother christina!! I'm in heaven reading your comments and seeing the photos, take care and lots of love xxxx