In Melbounre i met a lad called Jackson from Canada. We saw a notice on the wall in a hostel and decided we were both keen. It was a notice from 'Lee' a captain of a small yacht, a 33ft cat! he was looking for 2 crewmen to help him sail from Melbourne to Sydney. What an amazing oppurtunity we throguht so we called him and arranged to meet and before we knew it we were aboard his yacht ready to sail. The day before we were ment to sail some f***ing stupid piece of equipment fell off so we had to wait for a new part to come! we sailed around port philip bay, which was nice but we soon started to realize that 'Lee', our so called skipper, was a bit edgy behind the helm! the first day we went out the weahter was shocking but we were just glad to be setting sail. that is if we had even got that far lol!! Motoring down the Yarra river to the bay, i was at the helm and i could see a small tug boat, which looked as if it was guiding another large, very large barge (with two massive cranes on it, 100 tonnes) up the river. i stayed on my line until i knew what it was doing, before i could make a decision on which way to go about him, 'Lee' took over and said to go to the left which i agreed on. then some w***er in the tug boat was telling us to f*** off outta the way, but he was waving his arm in a way that we thought was directing us to the right! so 'Lee' changed course and low and behold we got caught up in a rope that goin from vessel to vessel tugging the barge. i dnt blame lee for this entirely but i wudn't have been so bad if only he had put the engines in forward drive instaed of reverse when we were caught in the rope. so he was forcing us backwards more into the rope. CRACK! the railing on one corner of te boat had almost bent in half from the force of the rope! they released the rope and we were free. Scary s***! Then after about a week or more waiting and faffing for this part to come! we set off out the heads into the Bass straight. we sailed for 2 night and 2 days continuous to get to refuge cove to get protection from a storm. we arrived there at about 2 in the morning, in time and safe. we awoke early in the morning to discover the anchor had dragged and we were about 3 foot away from a s*** load of rocks! Me and jackson pretty much single handedly pulled the anchor in and moved the boat to a better spot. Lee was asleep, so icnt really blame him for it lol!! close call and mistake number 2! finally after the s***test weather imaginable, but some of the nicest scenery in Vic and NSW we arrived at our half way point, twofold bay, Edan. We hadnt been on land in a few days, hadnt' much sleep, hand't had a shower in 2 weeks or more lol!! so we arrived in the dark at our destination. we couldn't moor to a jetty in the dark so we anchored in a quiet cove. Of course, a storm came and disaster struck... again! we jus settled for a movie and had eaten dinner when the anchor alarm triggered. all of a sudden we had gone from 7m of water to 3m of water. all hands on deck, we started the motror (singular becasue one had already packed up, death trap!) pulled the anchor and moved away from the beach. Then this peice of s*** death trap of a boat fuk'd us over again! out only engine cut out and the prop was wrapped in something. Before we could cut it free or drop the anchor to save us driftin back, we thudded softly onto the beach! OH BALLS! i thought we would be ok and then as fast as i had thought that thought a waved picked us up slammed us on t the beach, snapped the rudder and we all went flying. then another wave and another. i saw one of the engines get smashed off its hinges and fly throught the floor. I grabbed my phone and camera, closest things to me. went to go dwn stairs to get smy wallet and passport but mine and jackosns hull was already in knee deep water! so with a quick word to jackson, "f*** THIS, IM OFF!", and a hastily nodded reply we jumped deck and got to a safe spot up the beach lol!!! 'Lee' was doin his best adn handled the situation very well. he didnt break down or anything, which i really believed he would becasue that boat was his life, he had waited and saved for 10 years, sold his home for this trip! we phoned the police and we got outta there. To meet the police we had to climb up this dirt mountain, in bare feet! and walk along a road for a while, which was't great fun. they put us up in a lodge for the night. In the car on the way to the lodge, i saw my fist Kangaroo. So, at least something goor came from this balls up, well that was until we hit the f***ing thing. smoked it clean out of its life. me and jackson burst into fits of laughter. i had been goin on about seigna kangaroo and every1 said they cudn't believe i had been in OZ so long and not seen one. wel now we had hit one lol ha ha! Lee is stayin wtih boat and wants to fix it and carry on the trip, good on him poor bloke. and me and jackson are in Edan chillin catchin up on rest and figuring out what to do. Probs head up to syders again! Anyways, no injuries jus a funny story!!
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