I have had a very interesting experirence with many awesome poeple over the last month at the Arts Factory, Byron Bay. It has gone very fast and i wish in a way i could take every1 with me lol! the factory is good for the soul but horrific for the body he he!!! ive had many good times but now it is time to move on up to brisbane to work for a while, probably selling make-up! i kno, very gay right! but hopefully i can get some good money then do some cool s*** after this! ive done some surfign which i f***in loved too! i got up first time and surfed a few waved althe ay into the beach. My teacher, a mate of mine, was very impressed. f*** YEAH I SAID!
After the flooding insidents every1 became very close and friendly becasue every1 needed help and everybody helped! it rained for 4 days solid and my tent was in a bout 7 inches of water lol! Luckily for me i was working in the hostel at the time so they put me in a warm teepee for the night which was sweet, expecially when i had jus been on a boat for 3 weeks then camping in a s***ter of a tent! OH, and its my b-day in two days but unfortunatley because of the s*** weather resently lots of my good friends have left, so i decided to stay here for my b-day then habve a day to recover tehn im off outta here! now all of 'the losers gang' (nickname of our group coz we all are in dire situations and have no money and at somepoints no place to sleep, so named by 'Crazy Karl', from the film oh s*** i forgot what film...shiiiiiit, maybe it was 'stand by me') have gone it will make it easier for me to leave too! most of my stories are to crude for this blog page so i cnt write to much wink wink ha ha!!
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