Hey, How ya going!
We left Sydney on the 4th on the overnight bus, what a nightmare. The bus was great but neither of us could sleep well and as soon as we got to Melbourne all we wanted to do was sleep. It took roughly an hour just to get to the hostel, even though it only looked down the road and when we got there we had to wait 3 hours before we could check in. We went and had some brekkie and got shouted at by a drunk, good first impression! and then we went and watched some tv at the hostel before we finally got some sleep! After a few hours we got up to expore and buy a few bits, whislt we were out saw two fights and one robbery, things were not looking good for Melbourne so we had a bit of dinner and went back to bed.
When we woke we went out again to expore and this time it was much nicer, we got on the free tram and circled the city centre, unfortunately we got arrested! only joking but we did visit an old prison where ned kelly was hung. We walked around the prison but we were to scared to go into the cells. Then we attemped to go to a local museum but we had to pay so we didn't bother. We walked to a nice park and saw captain cooks house and then went back to the centre for a wicked chinese dinner and fried ice cream, it tasted better then it sounds!
The next day we went to St Kilda beach, we had high hopes for this place but it was a bit of a let down. The beach is called Brigton and it looked like it too! We walked to luna park and had a look around, all the rides were pretty pikey so we didn't bother to ride them. Saftey first! Then we got the tram to Albert Park and saw the race track and pit lane, It looks really weird without all the sandtraps and barriers but it was still really cool to be able to walk along the pit lane.
Now we are getting ready to go to New Zealand so our next blog will be from there!! We're really excited!
Loads of love! Justin and Sam x x x
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