Hey sal! Just got all updated with your blog and your photo's, looks like you've been having an amazing time. I hope your little canoeing adventure went well up in the blue mountains. Bet it was spectacular its very beautiful up there. How have things been? Fishing was really good! Tino caught so much fish it was his first time! Maybe if you go fishing too with a bunch of experienced fishermen you'll beat them all also! Hope all is well will call you when i get credit...take care of yourself hope your having a great time i miss you very much!
Zammit xoxo
Michael Zammit
HEY SAL! Read all your blog entries from queensland and NSW! What a great time you had! Didn't realise its already been like over 2 months from the first time we really came friends wen u, ross and jez and kev all came over and dancin and drinkin! hope all is well...you've had a wonderful journey and only hope it gets better! hope to see you again.
Zammit xoxo
Just checking in to say hi, Just read your blog and it sounds as though you are both having a good time catching up , I feel much more at ease now you are together having fun,Love and hugs for you both from Sandy G XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
14 days to go!!! ooooooooooww!!
Hey! Ive got a job - start on Monday next week! Yay!
Hope you are okay. x
hi sally we have seen all your pictures hope you are having a great time and send some more pictures love from us all here auntie kay
Im not sure if youve been getting my messages, but I am in Sydney for christmas and NYE now! Let me know when you are planning on coming down!
Hope you are okay. xx
I hope you are having an amazing time and settling in better now.
Im in NZ for another week and then will be flying back to Australia where I will be in Melbourne for a couple of months working.
Miss you! x
I want to go on a yacht and see wombats (ugly little sh*ts!).
I slept in a sleeping bag underneith my duvet last night, the South Korean smack den is cold!! only 8 weeks to go baby, i can feel the sun!!
People think i'm strange, As well as dressing as a gay, i keep asking shop assistant's if they have any shorts, summer shirts and sun tan cream? which in replay gets.."you muppet its f-ing winter outside (use a cockney accent when saying this line)"..if only they knew. t*** !!
Love and miss you!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
Peter Milton
Hi Sally see you are having a great time we stayed at Trinity beach at a motel for 5days when we were there if you get time go out to the barrier reef & visit the Whitsundays Are you going to Darwin or are you going down to Sydney along the coast E mail us your Email address if you get time or if you are near a land line text the no & we can ring you for free Love Pete & Angie xxx
Hey Chic!
Sounds like you are having an amazing time!
Im back in Sydney now, just for five days and then Im flying to NZ on thursday for two weeks - exciting!