Hi everyone! Hope your all very well. We are currently in Christchurch in New Zealand. The last 12 days have been very loose. After leaving Franz Josef we arrived in Lake Wanaka. Pierre and I had to get up very early the next morning for our second sky dive which was just as crazy as the first. I told the instructor I was feeling a little bit more risky today so he spiced things up with around 100 spins and a flip out of the plane. Was brammer! After that we arrived in Queenstown and it was about then the nerves kicked in. We had Nevis to do the next day however first we had our first night out in Queenstown with our bus crew. The World Bar is awesome, they serve you drinks in Teapots so everyone is walking around with teapots in there hand which is fun. Nevis the next day involved a scary mountain drive followed by a scary cable car ride to the jump. Its the highest bungy in the southern hemisphere, around 134m. It was probably the scariest thing I have done but was incredible, the adrenaline/ground rush was just immense. That night we had our pub golf as well so the whole day was just the most fun I thing I have had in New Zealand, everyone is really pumped about the Nevis jump as well. We planned our 5 days skiing the next day and got up on the slopes the next day which was brilliant. It was a lovely feeling have ski's attached to me again. However the next day the conditions changed and we couldn't ski. We went luging instead with the girls as well. That was so fun, it was also my birthday so I was excited generally. There were many luging accidents. Luging is basically you sit in a go kart without an engine and race down a tarmac hill, your not supposed to race but everyone does. We also played mini golf and then went for an Indian and a couple fo cheeky beverages as it was my birthday. Pierre and Fred prepared a cake for me and all the girls made me cards and I had a badge, was such a ncie evening. Skiing was off for all the rest of our time in Queenstown which sucked so instead we went to Milford Sound (a big lake), luging again (Freddie nearly killed himself), watched Sex and the City and The Incredible Hulk. Also we did a Fluro/Rave fancy dress. The whole time was expensive but some immense memories. Now we are in Chirstchurch, Sam and Fred fly to Fiji tomorrow, we fly to Auckland and then Fiji on the 30th. Nevis pictures are up so check them if you like, Speak Soon, Ryan!
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