Hello from the land of Maori's and 70 million possums (20 to each person.) Since my last input we have had just about the most fun I think a person can have. Melbourne was great fun, had minimal time so it was rushed. We attempted to have a night out but after 16 days without booze we were rubbish. We had a box of wine and then just got so drunk/tired we just had our hair straightened by the girls in our dorm, this was followed by passing out. There are some corking photo's of Paddy on facebook looking like a gay. The next day me and Pierre went up the Eureka tower where they have this lift that goes outside the buildings and the floor suddenly goes clear and you just have the road belwo you, very funny. Also went to Game On, a big exhibition abouts video games, was wicked. Also had a drink we one of Pierre's old swimming friends. We flew out, no problems. Apart from Pat admitted to having tea bags, so pretty much his whole bag got swabbed and he was semi-interviewed, we were there for about an hour. Christchurch was average, not much to do, chilled out, did some walks. Started the Kiwi Experience shortly after arriving, soooooo incredibly fun. We went first to Westport, our group is great, The Kiwi Experience is basically a hop-on-off bus we integrated accomodation and activities always reserved for you. We have made like 20 friends, Westport was okay, we just went out an got drunk, played pool and got more drunk. The scenery here is amazing, everynow and again we stop the bus and do walks up to look-outs. We had a night in some random hostel on the way down to Franz the next night. Was so funny, did fancy dress, I went as a chav. Had a steak meal, played football on the beach. As a group we play the rule where if you are caught drinking in anyway apart from with your left hand and your little finger sticking up and someone catches you either you have to buy them a drink or down your own. About 20 minutes into the night Ginny our driver caught me with a whole bottle of wine I just bought, I had to down the whole think cause Im so stingy. Was very cool after, Pierre reckons I was shaking towards the end, I broke out into a sweat and people on the bus were taking bets on how long I would last. Shockingly didn't throw up and had another bottle and a jug after. Was an awesome night, just the most fun. We got to Franz the next day and it is so gorgeous. Went out the first night, just Pierre, Sam, Pat and myself. Pierre came in at 6am after waking up in another motel lounge room, was great. The next day we were supposed to do our full day hike on the Glacier. However weather called it off and we spent 4 hours in the spa pool, even the backs of my hands were wringly. Had another box of wine last night and went to watch the rugby, much later ended up dancing a lot and singing Summer of 69', tagged as the Likely Lads Sam, Pierre, Pat and myself did a great job. Today cause of some screw up and I can't be bothered to explain we only ended up doing a half day hike. Was still wicked though, saw the glacier, great views, very interesting and cold. Next 7 days is ridiculous, I have never been so excited. I have three legged pub golf tomorrow nite, my bday, 5 days skiing, bungy jumping the second highest jump in the world, skydive in Wanaka, lol. Mental, I love New Zealand, Speak Soon all, Ryan!
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