Back on our way again! After a hellishly long journey, and 6hours sat in Amsterdam airport (the idea was to go for a walk around but torrential rain put a stop to that. MaccyD's did help ease the pain slightly though).
On the 10hour flight to Bangkok we had the pleasure of a 3yr old sat behind Hannah, I was surprised she lasted the flight without being done for manslaughter (its a shame 3yr olds don't understand the evil look). We were finally greeted by the ginger halo of Mrs C, a much easier way back into travelling! Taken to her luxury apartment by her personal driver Samak. At meeting the sercurity we had a good laugh as he told us that all Jane does all day is cook, eat & drink! After a quick relax, and a short sleep, it was out to explore Bangkok.
First stop Jim Thompson's house, an ex USA soldier who restored 6 traditional Thai buildings into one after falling in love with the country, he collected art work & pottery. He had his fortune read and was told that something significant would happen to him when he was 61, he actually disappeared on a trip with a friend on his 61st birthday and no remains have been found despite exstensive searches.
Off we went next to the Golden Mount, our first of many temples (this might become Hannah's next obsession after churches). We took a taxi boat down the canal, a better more fitting name for the canal would be a bog of eternal stench, black water that looked like syrup, definitely close your mouth!
After feeling ready to fall asleep standing up, we made it back to Jane's, where Dan, Finn & Guy were all back, and Grandma Pat, ready with a cold beer & lasagne (I think Jane lost half her body weight in sweat making it). A few games on the PS3 with Finn before bed, and Hannah chatted with Dan finding out all about how his tiny village in England is sooooo different to Bangkok!
Next day up early and on with the Mrs C tour, firstly to the Grand Palace, where I had to wear a very attractive pair of trousers (to Hannah, Grandma Pat & Jane's amusement) as 3/4 trousers aren't allowed. We were amazed by the decoration, history, and size of it all. Had to firmly tell Hannah stealing a gold tile would end in a Thai prison. Jane & Grandma Pat left us to meet the boys finishing school (easy to forget she's not on holiday). Off we continued alone to see the biggest lying Buddha in the world at Wat Po, knowing its title still didnt quite prepare us for the size of it. After all this culture we went for a look around the traveller part of Bangkok, think Hangover Part 2 and your nearly there!
Back for a quick shower and change then out for an amazing meal where we ate traditional Thai food, great time with all the Camptons.
Final day of our first stop in Bangkok ended with a trip to the Erawan Museum, a crazy giant 3 headed elephant, filled with Buddha's and amazing sculptures, a little bit insane, Hannah again was snap happy!
Back on our own again and off to catch our first night bus to Krabi.
Amazing time spent with the Camptons.
- comments
Jessie Bella Sounds amazing! Cant wait to keep up with your tales :) have fun and stay safe lots of love to you both xxx
Mrs C, Mr C, GP, F and D Thanks for a good write up! You missed a great weekend on Mrs C's tours - went up counrty , outside Kanchanaburi , stayed on the river in raft houses, swam in waterfalls, trekked with elephants and then bathed 'em. Dont know who had more fun, us or the elephants! Hope you are having as good a time xxx